Chapter 9

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After moving Jin from the cold musky basement to a bedroom, Namjoon has been spending all of his spare time in Jin's room. The two have spent the whole week together. Namjoon wanted to stay in the presence of the omega. They didn't always talk when they were together. They would sit near each other while Namjoon did his work for JK on the laptop and Jin would read a book.

Jin at first was terrified of the situation. The night he was kidnapped from home he was blind folded and tied to a chair. He had screamed for what seemed like hours, in the hope that Jimin or Tae would answer him. Eventually he lost his voice from all the yelling. After awhile he heard a door open. Someone was walking through the room. Jin immediately noticed the scent. He knows from what he has learned from his father that the only time you will smell another's scent so strong is in the presence of their mate.

"Could this really be my mate?" Jin thought.

The foot steps stopped in front of Jin and someone spoke to him.

"I'm going to remove the blindfold and your bindings."

Jin nodded his head in acknowledgment.

Terrified of who he might see Jin kept his eyes closed till he could feel that the wolf had moved away from him. Slowly Jin opened his eyes. He saw a tall wolf with handsome features, but he also saw that the room he is being held in was quit scary.

Jin and Namjoon stared at one another for what seemed like eternity, but in reality was only a few seconds. Namjoon broke the silence.

"You are too follow me. I will be taking you to a different room than this one. If you try to run though, you will stay locked up in here."

Jin nodded.

Namjoon turned and started walking out of the room. Jin quickly got up and followed.

As they were walking Namjoon was in his own thoughts. "Why does he smell so good? I can just stay engulfed in his scent forever. His beauty too. How I wish to always look at him. My heart is fluttering the same way it did when I first saw his picture."

"Excuse me where are we? And who are you?" Jin asked interrupting Namjoons thoughts.

"I can not tell you our location. As for who I am one." Namjoon paused and turned around to look Jin in his eyes. "I think we both know who I am."

Namjoon just stared at Jin as he gasped at his remark.

Namjoon sighs. "My name is Namjoon."

Namjoon opens a door that leads to a more decent room that has a bed, a couch, as well as table and chairs. There was also a bathroom off to the side of the room.

Namjoon gestures for Jin to enter the room.

"It's still early in the morning. You might as well try to get some sleep. I will be back later with some lunch. Keep in mind if anyone finds that your trying to escape, there will be grave consequences."

Jin nods.

Namjoon closes the door and leaves Jin behind in the room.

As Namjoon walks away all of his thoughts are still on Jin.

"I know for sure now. He is my mate. Why did I find my mate in this situation. I will keep it secret for now, but Jin I will protect you. You are mine."

Jin went to lay down on the bed.

"That Alpha is my alpha. I always thought meeting your mate would be a romantic experience. We have met in such a scary way."

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