Chapter 17

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Suga drove around with Jhope in silence for awhile to waste some time. The plan was to take Jhope to an empty house after awhile and kill him there.

They have been driving around for two hours so Suga decided that was long enough and go to the abandoned house.

Suga drove up to the house and Jhope knew something wasn't right. No one was here.

"What's going on?" Jhope asked.

"We gotta wait right here for our men to bring the omega," suga said in a serious tone.

They both got out of the car. Suga leaned against the hood of the car and just chilled. Jhope decided to investigate the torn up building that they have pulled up too.

"You shouldn't wander too far Beta," suga commented to Jhope.

"I will be here for the omega so of course I won't be too far," Jhope said annoyed.

After awhile of waiting. Jhope was wandering around and Suga received a phone call from Jungkook.

Ring ring

Suga answered his phone.

"Suga I'm heading back to block 9. Deal with the beta with you however you want."

Call ended

Before Suga could even answer, Jungkook had already ended the call.

Finally I can get rid of this pest, Suga thought to himself.

Suga pulled out his gun from the back of his pants where he had set earlier in the day.

What Suga didn't know was that Jhope had caught him pulling the gun out. He was hiding at the side of house watching from around the corner.

"Dammit of course this was a trap," Jhope whispered to himself.

Suga started walking to the house to find Jhope.

Jhope was waiting until Suga entered the building and dashed for the car.

Jhope is really hoping that the Alpha didn't take the keys with him.

Jhope reached the car and jumped in. Thank goodness the keys were there. He started the car and was just starting to drive away, when all of a sudden he was  shot at.

Bang bang

Jhope saw the Alpha running towards him .....

(had to throw a side note in here because just the thought of seeing Suga doing his little run was too funny. Anyways sorry back to the story sorry.)

.... Shooting his gun at the car. Jhope put the car in reverse and floored the gas pedal. Jhope didn't care where the car was going, he just needed to make a quick escape. Jhope eventually drove far enough away he was able to put the car in drive and turn it around.

"Shit shit shit. I need to get to Alpha Gray," Jhope was insanely driving hoping he makes it back to his Alpha in time.

"Dammit!!!!" Suga yelled at the top of his lungs. He had run out of bullets and the beta was able to escape.

"Jungkook is gonna be so pissed at me! Shit I better just get this over with."

Ring ring

"Is it done Suga?" Jungkook had answered his phone.

"No! Now don't go fucking screaming your lungs out at me, but the bitch beta got away." Suga was just hoping to not get a earful on the phone right now.

"How the hell did you let that happen?" Jungkook asked through gritted teeth.

"Yeah! Like I purposely let him take the fucking car. Shut your trap and send someone to pick me up you prick." Suga was beyond pissed. He knew Jungkook would be a pain.

"Walk the fuck back," Jungkook hung up the call on Suga.

"Fucking BITCH!" Suga shouted at the top of his lungs.

Ring ring

"Yes?" Namjoon asks as he answers the phone.

"Don't ask why just send someone to pick me up." Suga said then immediately hung up the call.

"How dare that prick ditch his friend. I'm gonna beat you later Jungkook!" Suga shouted in anger.


Jhope drove as fast as he could. He needed to get back to the warehouse. He should have known this was all a ploy to separate them. The Alpha is in danger and he knows it.

Once Jhope arrived back at the warehouse he noticed the silence. The Alphas can not be seen at the front. He rushed inside looking for Alpha Gray.

"Alpha Gray!"


"Please please please be safe."

Jhope was running through the whole building, when he finally saw a figure in the shadows. Speeding up his run hoping that he found his Alpha.

Jhope as he came closer, slowed down from a run to a walk. He felt tears forming in his eyes. He reached the figure hanging from chains. Sure enough there hung his Alpha.

Jhope dropped down to the ground. Crying loudly enough to echo through the empty warehouse.

His mentor and father figure is now dead before him. He was devastated that he failed his Alpha. He also failed to protect the omegas. His world has came crashing down in just a few hours.

Jhope cried for awhile when he decided he needed to hurry and go get their men. They need to be on the offensive now.

Picking himself and saying a goodbye.

"Goodbye Alpha."

Jhope ran back to the car and jumped right in. He drove fast once again. Drifting every corner. He finally reached the mansion.

Again another devastating blow to Jhope.

"Why?????" Jhope was screaming as he was running.

He checked everyone and he looked through every room in hopes to at least find one person alive. He found not one breathing. They were all gone from this world.

Jhope fell too his knees in the foyer of the mansion. Overwhelmed by the loss. How could someone do this? Why kill everyone? What has his group done?

Jhope just sat there for hours to the point dawn has came. Noticing the sunlight Jhope decided to call the leaders. They need to know what has happened here. Gray needs to be taken down from those chains.

Slowly pulling the last of his strength together, Jhope made his way over to the phone.

Ring ring

"Hello, you've reached the Shadow Nights how can I help you?"

"Please tell Alpha Rose that Jhope from Sharp Stars called. I have important news to report." Jhope tried to talk without choking up in his words.

"Yes sir one moment please."

"Jhope! It's Rose what do you have to report?" Rose asked thinking they only found out new information.

"Alpha Rose, ..... You and the other's need to come to Sharp Stars. You must see with your own eyes." Jhope passed out dropping the phone to the floor.

"Jhope? ..... Jhope?....."

Rose hung up and called for everyone to meet at the Sharp Stars. She told everyone to be vigilante and come armed.

Rose was extremely worried. What has happened too her childhood friend?


I know I'm just repeating myself at the end here all the time, but really thank you lovely people for reading. ✌💚

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