chapter 7

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Sharp Stars

Alpha Gray was in shock. He had mentally checked out from the whole situation. Jhope observed the alpha hoping he would come to his senses soon.

As half the day gone by the alpha sat there playing the scenario back over and over in his head. As he thought more and more about what occured last night, a few questions stand out. One, they knew the layout of the property. Two, they knew the location of his sons. Three, brave enough to take on the double security. Four, this was well planned. Five, somehow in someway he knows for sure the rotten jackass Dean has something to do with the whole thing.

Alpha Gray finally stood up and called Jhope over.


"Yes, alpha."

"Go watch all the security footage starting from dusk."

"Yes, I'm on it Alpha."

Jhope was glad his Alpha finally barked orders. Whoever their enemy is, Jhope is sure Alpha Gray will defeat them.


The omega had made his way to the bed after he was left locked up in the room. He eventually cried himself to sleep. Jimin woke up when he heard the door unlocked and open. A man dressed in black entered with a tray of food. He silently walked over to the corner where a chair and table were sitting. After placing the food, he turned to look at the small omega that sat silently staring at him.

"There is your dinner. Your instructed to eat it."

The omega just nodded and didn't move till the man had left the room. Jimin didn't have much of an appetite for dinner right now. Jimin laid back down on the bed and curled up in a little ball. He stared at the wall while he tried to process his thoughts. He so badly wanted to know if his hyung and best friend were okay. So many questions with no answers. Jimin tucked his hands inside his sleeves and brought them to rest under his chin. More tears starting to leave his eyes.

"Save me someone please." Jimin whispers as he slowly drifted back to sleep.

As Jimin was sleeping the man in black had came back to collect the tray. He saw that the omega had ate nothing from the tray of food. He decided to leave the tray there and go report back to the Alpha about the omega not eating.


Knock knock

"You may enter." Says JK.

"Alpha, the omega is asleep and didn't touch any food from his tray. I left the tray there in the room." The henchman reported.

Jungkook frowned and was not happy that the omega has already disobeyed. Having a weak omega to take care of would be a pain.

"I'll take care of it." Jungkook said in a stern voice.

"Yes Alpha."

After his subordinate left, Jungkook stood up and was already mad that he has to go deal with one of the omegas.

"He better behave before I completely lose my temper."

Jungkook made his way down the hall to the room that has the omega locked inside. Immediately after opening the door Jungkook was met with a scent. A scent that makes him want to swoon and love. His eyes fall on the omega that's curled up asleep on the bed. Too mad to care anymore about the scent that filled the room, he stomped over and grabbed the omega by the arm. Jungkook proceeded to drag Jimin off the bed and over to the chair. JK sat Jimin in the chair and with his dominant alpha voice commanding Jimin to eat the food.

"Eat the fucking food."

Jimin started trembling and slowly started eating. 

"Your fucking slow. Shove it in your mouth and be done."

Jimin went to take another bite of the food. His hands trembling with such force. All of the sudden Jimin started sobbing and could no longer try and eat. Jungkook grabbed jimin by his hair and turned his head to face him.

"Fine don't eat, would you rather receive a punishment instead?" Jungkook sternly asks the omega Jimin.

Jimin scared shook his head no and finished eating the food. On they tray.

"You better learn to behave," Jungkook says as he storms out of the room with the empty tray.

Jimin stares as the mean alpha leaves. Jimin has no clue who that was. The alphas scent made him feel warm and safe, but the wolf was scary and cold. Lost and confused jimin made his way back once again to the bed.

"How long will I be here for?" Jimin thinks as he drifts back to sleep once again.

Jungkook was so angry he had to make the omega eat. "How dare he ignore my order." Jungkook thought. "The last thing I need is one of these omegas falling sick because they chose not to eat. Ridiculous!" Jungkook was storming through the halls with anger all because of one little omega. "What was that scent though? A mixture of lavender and honey." "The scent does not matter, the omega will listen and obey."


I've been locked in this room since last night. The wolf Suga refuses to tell me where my friends are. He also will not give me one bit of information on why I'm here or how he knows my name.

The door opened and Suga entered with a tray of food. I decided to not speak to him until he tells some information. I don't like being held captive. He thinks he is gonna scare me or use his Alpha dominance. Well your wrong mister. I will not allow you to make me obey.

Tae was pouting as he watched the Alpha set up their dinner.

"Come sit and eat," Suga said.

Tae shakes his head furiously as a "NO!"

Suga not pleased with the disobedience changes his tone and demands the omega to come eat.


Tae wimpers and slowly makes his way to the table. "I still refuse to say one word to this meany," tae said in his thoughts.

"You may not like the situation baby, but It will be better for you though if you just stay obedient and not cause trouble."

Yoongi stroked the omegas hair then sat down to eat dinner with him.

"I sure hope my friends are okay," tae was thinking.

Sharp Stars

"I will search till I find and rescue my cute sons."

Alpha Gray will stay strong and move to find who took away his precious ones.


Still sleeping curled up. Poor Jimin has been asleep for nearly a whole day. Is he just exhausted from the mental strain?


"Time to make the next move."
JK is ready to complete his next move in the Mafia Game.


Why is my heart and soul drawn to this omega?

Will the omegas be alright?

Hello again lovely people.
I really hope the story is turning out okay. Thank you for reading. 🙃

Jikook ff - Cold HeartedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang