Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

God, my head hurts. It kept hitting against something and was already pounding deep inside.

It was ridiculously bumpy where I was. As if I was in a moving car or....a....wait...

Am I in a car?

My eyes shot open and adjusted to the dark . A blanket that felt like it had been newly bought was on me as I laid down in the back of a car. I could feel the movement and the leather hitting my cheek. My hands were loosely tied in my lap with rope and the of the seat belt kept me from falling on the floor. I weakly turned my head up, it was dark outside the windows but lighter as if it had just gotten dark.

I craned my neck back again and let out a soft huff.

“So you're awake.” The eerily familiar voice made me jump, my legs hitting the car door. My heart pounded with fear as I looked toward the front seat. A head popped around and glanced at me, flashing his annoying smile.

“Russell?” My mouth opened from a sudden realization that I'm probably being kidnapped. I should have saw this a mile away.

Please just be taking me home. I silently prayed.

No one scares and annoys the crap out of you and then starts making out with you unless they're a psycho.

“So it's Russell now,” he said, still staring at the road. “Last time I checked I was 'Russy'.” I could hear the playful ring in his tone. Despite my position, I cringed, remembering how the alcohol took me over. I coughed and twisted my hands, realizing I could get out of them if I just twisted the right way.

“You can twist out of those if you want. I was just being cautious.” he said, as if reading my thoughts.


I broke free of them easily and rubbed my wrists even though they didn't really hurt. I yawned involuntary and sat up the rest of the way. My head and heart were pounding. I glanced behind me and noted that we were actually in a truck. In the back of it, Russell's motorcycle was resting, tied down with rope similar to the ones that were covering my wrists earlier.

I swallowed and hugged myself. What was going on? Was he taking me home from the party? If so, why couldn't I remember anything after the kiss? And why was I tied up? I knew I must have passed out, but the memory of why was lost to me.

“So why was I tied up?” I gave a fake laugh that just ended up making me sound like a little kid.

“To insure my safety.”

“Your safety!” I blurted out, swallowing. “I'm the one in the back of the truck, tied up, and have no idea how I got there!” I ended my rant with a coughing fit that had me leaning back against the seat. I was vaguely aware of the truck stopping as the coughing receded. I pulled on the handle but it was locked and I couldn't find a way to unlock it.

Russell hopped from the driver seat, into the seat next to me. I shrunk back. I didn't trust him before and I absolutely didn't trust him now. I might be lying to myself but kidnapping isn't chivalry in my book, regardless if you kissed them.

“Relax.” he blew a few strands of his hair out of his face and leaned back near me.

“Russell where are we?” I asked tiredly looking out the window. We were parked near a gas station I didn't recognize and a couple of lights were flickering out.

“A gas station.”

I gave him a 'duh' look.

“Fine. We're at a gas Jackson, Mississippi.”

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