Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The month of April passed by in the blink of an eye. I had to wait until August to meet 'The Order.' I've been here for a long time and I was slowly starting to accept this new chapter in my life. My training hasn't really been getting better. Russell has only taught me a couple times since our buzzing kiss in the training field. The way he feels about me is still a complete mystery. Even after sharing those kisses and those close encounters of obvious burning attraction.

It freaking sucks.

I mean when he looks at me now, it's either with a questionable gaze, a mildly confused one, or a cocky, dickish one. Mostly the latter. I want to confront him but something is keeping me back, like I have to wait for him to talk to me. I wouldn't call what we have a relationship. A relationship takes two people. That much I know. I stared up at the sky and tried to sort out my feelings. If he really wanted me, wouldn't he be with me? What was he doing? Gees, what was I doing?

I was sprawled out in the back of Russell's truck with a lighter. I was flicking it on and off, running my hand over it. I've learned that I can touch fire without it burning me. I've tried holding it in my hand but it always goes out. I closed the lighter and shoved it in my pocket. I grabbed all of my hair and pulled it into a loose bun. It was the only way to tame my hair. Either this or shave it all off.

Not gonna happen.

I blew out a breath of air and leaned back.

“Hey, Amber.”

I jumped and Marian hopped into the back of the truck.

“Hey.” I smiled. “You scared me.”

She laughed.

“Sorry about that, I was just walking outside and saw you in here.” She had a large worn book in her hands and she plopped down next to me. I turned to face her.

Marian was like no one I had ever met. She had a bright personality but she sometimes quiet and calm about things. In this house she was kind of like the mother and Russell was kind of like the father. Lucius and I were the disobedient children.

“What are you reading?” I asked, motioning to the book. She fiddled with cover.

“Oh I was reading up on some history. Research.” Her aqua eyes looked weary as if she was futile at figuring something out.


“It's a book with a bunch of observations and data about Emorex, past element carriers, how we get along, the elements, old letters, and even The Order.”

“Really?” I asked, intrigued.

“Yeah, you can borrow it. It'll be good for you.” She plopped the book into my lap and tucked a flyaway hair behind her ear.

“Thanks.” I curled my lips at what might be in here.

“Oh yeah!” Marian snapped her fingers. “Lucius wanted your help in the kitchen.”

“Great.” I smiled and stood up, grabbing the book in one hand and reached out to help her with the other. She grasped it and hopped to her feet. We both landed on the ground and started walking toward the house. She walked ahead of me through the door. I made my way to the kitchen and found Lucius looking through the cabinets.

“Hey, there.” I said, coming up behind him.

“Thank God.” Lucius turned around and put his arm around my waist. “I'm starving and your the only one that knows how to make anything other than pasta and potatoes.”

I laughed and hugged him to me, pulling him to my side by wrapping my arm around the back of his neck.

“Okay.” I smiled and let him go. “What did you want?”

“Anything really.” He said, sitting down at the table. I took out cheese, butter, and bread, intending to make grilled cheese. I wasn't an amazing cook or anything but I knew how to make a few more things than they did. Apparently, they had been living off simple things that only Marian really knew how to make.

Russell strolled into the kitchen, bringing with him his delicious scent and electric presence.

“Smells good.” He commented, sitting across from Lucius.

“Mhm.” I said, not taking my eyes off the pan. “Grilled cheese.” I added, flipping the one I had on the pan.

“It looks delicious.” His voice was right behind me, fanning out in the back of my neck, inviting a blush that reached the tip of my ears. I took a deep breath and turned around, backing into the counter so we wouldn't be too close.

“Then sit down so I can make you one.” I stared at him head on, surprised at my own boldness. He looked surprised too, his eyes widening slightly. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips and he went to sit down and talk to Lucius.

Their relationship was somewhat like brotherly. It's not surprising, they were all a family.

I finished up the grilled cheese and set a plate of it in front of everyone. Marian joined and sat next to Russell, leaving me to sit next to Lucius. We ate and talked and laughed. These were my favorite moments, sitting down with everyone and just hanging out. It was so free.

Russell's knee bumped against mine under the table and he made no move to remove it. I swallowed down my food and glanced up at him. He was looking at me, his leg brushing with mine. I looked down, hoping my face wasn't heating up. He was messing with me, knowing what it was doing to me and not caring.

Two can play at that game. I thought.

I leaned forward in my seat a little bit and kicked off my sandals. I curled my feet and traveled it up his leg then back down. I watched his reaction. He swallowed, his eyes wide and surprised at my actions again.

“So Lucius,” I started, looking over at him and still moving my leg. “how did you come by that motorcycle?”

“He won it in a card game.” Marian butted in, rolling her eyes and shoving her hair behind her ears.

I laughed and removed my leg, slipping my sandals back on. I cut another glance at Russell. He was glowering at me. I swallowed, knowing I pushed a few buttons with my impulsive action.

Later that night, I was flipping through a few pages of information in the book Marian let me borrow when I found something that peaked my interest. The title of it was “Element Relationships.” It looked like it was about the element carriers and how they got along with each other. I skimmed through it and found a rather long paragraph that made be bring the book closer to my face.

The way Air and Fire interact is the most intense out of all the elements. So Air is constantly curious about Fire. Air is cool and collective so they can deal with the harsh temper of Fire. Air is the thinker while Fire is the doer. Air will come up with a brilliant plan or idea and Fire will bring it to action. Air also provides ideas for the Fire to act on and assemble it into reality. Air challenges Fire to stop and think about why you do what you are doing. Meanwhile, Fire demands that Air get up and do something, rather than just sit around and discuss what should and needs to be done.

I felt an inappropriate blush fan across my face. Was that how he felt about me? Marian said that some of this stuff wasn't completely accurate. But, was this the accurate side of things? I shut the book and thought about him. I let myself fall to sleep, wishing for the very first time, that he was next to me and calming me with his thoughts.

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