Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I studied Lucius out of the corner of my eye as I watched the boring sitcom. He was slumped over a notebook and was frowning. I desperately wanted to ask if he was alright but he had been unexpectedly sour lately and I didn't want to upset him in any way. I sunk into the couch and watched as he pulled a pencil from his brown hair and scribbled something on a page filled with words. I could tell whatever he was writing didn't exactly bring him any happiness.

His breathing and his pencil stopped all at once. He froze perfectly for a moment and then swiftly shot his gaze to me.

“Something wrong?”

I jumped when he spoke and my eyes widened when I realized I had been caught.

“Oh um, I don't think so—I mean is something wrong?” My lips quivered when I couldn't quite figure out what I wanted to say.

“Nope.” He popped the 'p' and his eyes hardened slightly.

“Sorry.” I mumbled.

He sighed loudly and slumped against the couch, shutting the notebook.

“Don't be sorry.” His eyes shut but I could still see them moving under the lids. I saw his mouth open as if he wanted to say something but we were both silent for awhile.

My eyes had shifted to the T.V. so I didn't notice when his hand crept towards mine until our fingers were locked together.

“I don't want to talk about it.” he stated. I nodded in understanding. Anguish came off him in waves and as much as I wanted to know what was going on with him, he didn't want to talk about it. Marian and Russell had tiptoed around him since we were sent out on that fool's mission.

I tapped vigorously on our entwined hands.

“You don't have to.” I said thoughtfully. I turned my head towards him and smiled. He returned it slowly until it reached his eyes.

“Thank you.” He slid his hand from mine and stood, grabbing the notebook. He gave me a small smile and walked towards his room. I stared after him until I heard his door shut.

I curled into the sofa, biding my time until I had to meet Marian and Russell in the field. They were both working with me today due to the fact we were to meet The Order in just a few weeks. I still wasn't allowed to know where we were meeting them. Russell wants it to be a surprise. Asshole.

I ran a finger over my lips and felt warmth rush to my face by thinking about Russell. Stupid feelings. They're either going to kill me or turn me into a serial killer. Lately he even refuses to be in a room alone with me as if I was going to jump his bones. As soon as I think we're making progress, he brings us back to the start. The start being him being a I-can-make-you-weak-at-the-knees-and-still-infuriate-the-total-crap-out-of-you jerk.

“We're ready for you, Amber.” Marian said from the doorway. Her hair was frazzled and she had dark circles under her eyes. I frowned at her weary appearance. Everyone around here had some kind of issue. She walked off so I followed lazily behind her until we were out of the house and in the training field.

Russell was sitting on the ground with peculiar weapons surrounding him. Weapons? I get a little nervous with butter knives. I sauntered over to him and bent down to grip the end of an axe.

“Is this necessary?” I asked. I felt like I walked into a video game.

“More than you would think.” He squinted up at me with the hint of a smile.

Marian sidestepped him and hefted the axe out of my hands. She walked toward the center of the field, lifted up the axe, and propelled it directly into the bark of an oak tree.

I felt my eyes grow wide. She was freaking Wonder Woman.

“Impressive.” Russell commented, barely glancing at her. He stood and wiped dirt from his knees.

“Let's get started.” he announced.


“I can't.” I dropped the sword on the ground and sat down with it

Russell and Marian have been attacking me all day and calling it training. My veins were filled with a constant fear. They weren't Mommy and Daddy anymore.

Marian dropped her identical one.

“Fine.” she snapped. She stormed off muttering about how we were going to see The Order in two weeks and how I needed to get serious.

I looked at my feet in shame.

“You need to learn to control your fear.” Russell timidly sat behind me so I couldn't see him. I took a deep breath so I could smell him. I leaned into his back and turned my head.

“I know.” I admitted. His back pressed against mine.

Let's not talk about that.

I swallowed and resisted the urge to tackle him.

The grassed moved as both his arms laced through mine. Heat shot through me in waves.

“What are you doing?” I whispered.

“Touching you.” he answered.

That's perfectly fine with me.

“I'm sorry.”

I felt his voice rumble through my back. Concentrate on the words....

“For what?” I asked.

“The kiss.”

My eyes fluttered closed. Oh. He was sorry. I untangled us and crawled around to look at his face. He looked uncomfortable but he also had that look on his face, the one that he had after the last time we stopped kissing.

“Don't. Let me keep this one.” I demanded

“Keep one of what?” he asked, bewildered.

“This kiss. Can't we have one without regret?” My voice broke out as if I was in physical pain.

“Amber...” He drifted off, sounding lost.

We were kissing again.

He pinned me to the ground in a flash, our bodies touching at every point. Our mouths moved in sync. I shoved my hands into his hair and he did the same. I'm pretty sure we just had strange fascinations with each other's hair. He slid his hands down my neck until he reached my waist. I bit his lip. The fire in my belly grew until I could feel it overcome me. Russell tried to move away from me. I gripped his arms tightly, pinning him to me now.

My head became foggy but I didn't care. Someone was yelling. Then nothing.



Bubbles of light were everywhere. Shades of colors filled the black spots in my vision. A voice in the back of my mind tried to make sense of the bubbles but the majority of it was just fascinated. I could barely feel anything except the cold covering my body. The colors faded until there was just red. Red everywhere. It was blood. There was blood everywhere. No. Not blood. Fire. It was fire. My fire.


The world faded until there was just that word.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2014 ⏰

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