Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

To say I 'ran' when the bell rang would be the understatement of the century. Who would want to stay around after that creepy situation? Not this chick. I scooted around people in the clustered hallway, accidentally hitting a few of them or butting shoulders. This is not happening to me. Maybe it was just me. I should go see a doctor after school. I adjusted my bag on my shoulder and followed the crowd of people to the door.

“Amber.” He touched my shoulder while slipping around next to me. Great. Like you didn't get the message before...

“Do you mind if I catch a ride?” He asked calmly. I really hated the way he talked. It sounded as if he knew everything that was going to happen, thought everything through, and knew exactly what to say.

“Sorry, I carpool.” I said, maneuvering out of his grip. Take a hint.

“I'm sure they won't mind.”

Oh, but I would. I thought, walking out the door and down the concrete steps. I knew he was following because I could feel it. Like a shadow looming over me—but way more annoying.

“You know what?” I turned around and faced him directly. He was staring at me with that thoughtful yet somewhat puzzled expression again. It really tickled my nerves.

“It would be pretty crowded. I don't think I have that much-” My pathetic excuses were cut of by wind. Yes, you heard that right, it was wind. A huge gust of it practically lifted me off my feet, my hair whipped back and forth, an unusual pattern for wind. I felt like for this much, I should have been at a much higher altitude. I stumbled a bit and almost fell over. Then, for the second time today, something bizarre related to Russell happened. The wind stopped.

And he laughed.

It was a quick laugh, a horribly amused one. I swallowed as I caught my balance and placed a hand on my head. Oh God. My hair felt like a haystack. I ran my fingers through it and took a step back.

“I guess it's a bit windy.” He said, taking a small step forward.

“No kidding.” I twisted my hair by my shoulder and—looked at him. His face expression still showed signs of amusement, which made me fidget. He wasn't carrying anything except a plain green notebook. Not even a pencil. I had a feeling that, if I opened it, it would be empty.

“About that ride...” A twitch of his lips indicated that he knew I didn't want to give him one.

“You have another ride, right?. The bus isn't that bad either.” I supplied. He shook his head and made an amused sound at the back of his throat.

“It's alright.” He rested his hands near his sides, notebook leaning on his hip. “I'll just take my own.”

So he did have a car! Well great, that gives him higher ratings in being an abnormal dude. Lucky me. He slid past me, brushing his shoulder against mine. That alarming tingling sensation came back, starting at my toes and commanding me shudder the feeling toward my head, making me feel lightheaded. “Goodbye, Rubylocks!” he called, his voice sounding self-satisfied.

I watched him walk toward the side area of the parking lot where, just ahead of him, a shiny black motorcycle was resting. I gaped at it.

That can't be his...

He was still walking toward it until he came to a stop right next to it. He hopped on the deadly contraption and looked straight at me. Probably enjoying the expression that must have been on my face. He flashed a smile and, without a helmet, revved the throttle and sped away.

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