The final chapter part 2

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Then as the swamplan cats and FoxFur where marching towards Swampclan he then saw Esparanze and rosestar and the rest of the clans and then he saw badgerpelt smiling saying "I did it" then as he was looking he smiled and said "yeah we are ready" then as the cats where walking he saw the clans looking at the swampclan cats funny and he said "Don't worry they are on our side" then as they saw Swampclans camp he saw lichenstar walking into the camp then he heard mummering from the camp then he heard a sicking noise as lichenstar killed the first cat then he said to the clans "We need to go NOW!" then all the cats al ran down towards the camp and blocked off the exit and then as the swampclan cats were running they were saying "Com on come on" then FoxFur turned towards lichenstar and said "Why hi there lichenstar what are you doing now?" then lichenstar looked at him and raised his paw which had blood on it and he said "You can still join me young one all you need to do is forget about your friends and we will rule the clan. How does that sound?" then FoxFur said to lichenstar "No thank you I do not want to rule a empire made from blood" then lichenstar growled and said "So be it" then lichenstar jumped towards FoxFur FoxFur then jumped out of the way and lichenstar said "YOU COWARD FIGHT ME!" then he swiped at FoxFur and nicked Foxfurs leg and said "Heh yes" then FoxFur looked at it and inhaled saying "You know what" then he tackled lichenstar and pinned him panting saying "Are you ready to give up?" then he laughed and said "Oh oh I knew you would do this so" then Foxfur saw mudpelt dragged out of a cave and said "I knew your little party would come soI knocked him out" then he got up and put his claws on FoxFurs neck saying "Do you want him to die?" then all of sudden a cat tackled him and lichenstar said "what the..." as stonepelt was standing there panting saying "you try to kill me but then you try to kill the rest of the clan -then she looked at Mudpelts Unconscious body and as she was looking all of swampclan was gather behind her then the cats that knocked out Mudpelt walked towards the crowd with his Unconscious body and said "Hey Stone we are sorry we were just doing what he told us" then she said- "See even these 2 have abandoned you." then lichenstar looked around with fear in his eyes saying "No no no have mercy on me. HAVE MERCY!" Then FoxFur stepped forward saying "Where was that mercy for Beaverpelt? O my wife." then lichenstar whimpedrd and coughed saying "I am sorry" then he fell to the ground and said "I am sorry I hope I can atone for what I did" they his eyes closed and he let out one last cough and went still. Then all of the clans watched as FoxFur walked to lichenstars body and said "I hop you do" then he dragged lichenstar's body towards a tree and said "Her then he buried him and looke around and said "so what do we do now?" then swampclan walked forward and said "We want you to be out leader." the FoxFur was shocked saying "What what no" then Esparanze sat next to him saying "You have the heart of a leader"

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