Chapter 6

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Then as FoxFur was sitting in this old bush he was thinking of his home when he heard voices outside and then he saw Current walk in and said "Hey there how are you holding up?" then FoxFur looked away and said "I thought you were a tough warrior but here you are talking to me" Then current said "Well I guess its just because I feel bad for you you lost someone close to you" Then foxFur snapped and said "I lost more than someone close to me I lost the love of my life and my THREE KITS THOSE JERKS TOOK MY WHOLE LIFE AWAY" then Current sat there and then he sighed and said "You know I never had a love but I know how you feel" then FoxFur looked at current with tears in his eyes and said "Oh really do you?" then Current sighed and said "I do because I lost my sister to the lake one day me and her where walking along the lake when she fell in and I tried to get her out but I had a fear of water and because of it I lost my Sis because of it" then FoxFur put a paw over Currents and said "I am sorry" then Current laughed and said "Its ok if you do not know what the other cat has gone through" Then Current looked at the sky and said "It's almost sunset do you want me to spend the night with you?" then Fox said "Uh yeah sure" then as Current went to the other side of the room and laid down he said "Goodnight FoxFur" then FoxFur said back "Goodnight" then as FoxFur fell asleep then he saw the Forest and he looked around then then he saw a cat walking out of the trees and he said "Mosspelt?" Then the cat laughed and said "I am NOT your mother my love" Then FoxFur said "Ambereyes?" then she said "Who else would it be?" then she walked up to him and said "Hey honey how are you?" FoxFur then looked at Amber and said "I am doing just fine sleeping in a bush that was once a guard area." then she laughed and said "Oh really?" then he said "Yep and there is another cat across from me." then Amber nudged him and said "I miss you honey" then FoxFur did the same to Ambereyes and said "I miss you too my love" then amber said "I have to say something" Then FoxFur said "What is it?" Then amber said to him "I am going to give you a life like the leaders do." then FoxFur said "Why in starclan would you do that?" then she said "I guess its just because I want to be with you but I want you to understand how cats are." then she said "Its moonhigh I would wake up if I were you.'' Then as FoxFur was waking up she said "I will always be with you" Then FoxFur woke up and looked around. Then he saw something and he went out and he saw BeaverPelt and silverfur walking and he followed them but what FoxFur did not know was that Current woke up and followed the 3 of them and then as FoxFur was following them then BeaverPelt stopped and said to silverfur "I have to tell you something" then silverfur said "What is it?" then BeaverPelt said "Its that I am a............." then there was rustling coming from the trees and then lichenstar , Badgerpelt and Leopardfoot walked out of the trees and then lichenstar said to BeaverPelt "I thought I told you to come alone" then he looked at silverfur and said "If you leave and tell anyone what you saw -he coughs- we will hunt you down and kill you" then BeaverPelt jumped in and said "I trust him enough to keep this whole thing a secret" then Silverfur said to BeaverPelt "I will I promise" then lichenstar laughed and said "I do not think so" then he said to Badgerpelt "Kill him" then as Badgerpelt ponced towards Silverfur BeaverPelt then pushed Badgerpelt and said "NO" then Badgerpelt looked at BeaverPelt and said to lichenstar and said "Should I kill the both of them?" then lichenstar said "No just kill the traitor his little friend is gone" then Badgerpelt smiled and said "Ok then boss" then he pounced on top of BeaverPelt and then as FoxFur was watching the scene then Current tapped him on the Shoulders and said in a hushed tone "We should go" then he looked at the departing cats and then to BeaverPelts body and said "We should tell Silverfur what happened to BeaverPelt" then FoxFur nodded and said "yeah yeah lets do that" then when they both got back to the camp they saw Silverfur sitting in the warriors den and then when Current and FoxFur walked in he jumped up and said to them with hope in his voice "Is BeaverPelt ok? Where is he?" then he pushed FoxFur and Current out of his way and looked around. Current and FoxFur looked at each other saying it in their mind "How do we tell him BeaverPelt died defending him and the clan?" Then Current cleared his throat and said "Uhhhh Silverfur me and FoxFur have to tell you something" FoxFur then looked down and said "SilverFur when that cat attacked you BeaverPelt gave his life defending yours" then silverfur just sat there in shocked silence then he said "what" then he sat down and cried out "No n-n-o It can't be" then Current sat next to silverfur and said "it is me and FoxFur saw it" the silverfur growled at the both of them saying "Why did you not stop him" then FoxFur said "Badgerpelt is a expert in taking a cat out very quick. I should know I lost the love of my life to him" then silverfur said "Take me to him I want to say goodbye one last time" Then as Silverfur, FoxFur and Current were walking to wear BeaverPelt's body laid and then silverpelt just sat there and then he walked up to him and layed next to BeaverPelts body and said to him "I will miss you my love. You where the best thing to happen to me if you had not showen up I may have drowned myself in the lake but you showed me that there's more to life." then he sighed and said "I do not care if you were a spy for whatever clan that was you gave your life to protect me and the clan even though I ran with my tail tucked between my legs" then a sob could be heard coming from SilverFur and then Current sat next to Silverfur and said "Its Ok SilverFur" then Silverfur said "I want to talk to FoxFur" then Current motioned to FoxFur to step forward and then SilverFur said "I was going to blame you but then you showed me that you are a nice guy"

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