Chapter One

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Ambereye was hunting when she saw something in the brush and then she jumped when she saw it was her mate Fox Fur she let out a sigh and said "Fox you nearly gave me a heart attack" then Foxfur let out a little laugh and said "I hope I did not" then he sat next to her and said "So Amber how are things right now?" Amber eyes looked at Foxfur and said "Oh it's going fine but I have something to tell you." Foxfur looked at Amber Eyes and said "Oh what is it?" Amber then said "I am pregnant" Foxfire then shot up and said "Really" She said "Yep and I have there names thought out Birch Sparrow and fern" then fox nudged her and said "Those are good names" then amber laughed and said "So how are you" Foxfur said "I am doing just fine happy because now I know I am going to be a father" then he looked up at the greenlight being casted by the sun hitting the glimmering leafs far above and he smelled the smells of the forest the smell of the mice running thourgh the grass and the smell of the dying leafs and he could hear the mice running in the grass then when he looked over at Amber Eyes he did not see her he then looked around and yelled out "AMBER WHERE ARE YOU?!" Then a sliver cat walked out of the forest with no sound being made then the cat said "Do not be scared young one I just want to talk" then Foxfur looked at this cat and said "What is it you want?" then the silver cat said in a smooth voice "I am here to tell you that the 3 clans are going to change" then fox fur said "What?" the silver cat then said "There is a 4th clan, the hidden clan they have been hiding in the shadows waiting and biding their time to rise" Foxfurs fur bristled and he said "You do not mean swamp clan do you? The clan that tried to take over but they were banished because of what they did?" Then the silver cat said "Yes I am talking about them" then the silver cat walked next to fox fur and said "I have yet to tell you my name My names Mosspelt" Foxfur looked at Mosspelt and said "Nice to meet you mosspelt my names." Then Mosspelt cut him off and said "Fox Pelt" fox looked at Mosspelt and said "Uh yeah How in starclan did you know?" then Mosspelt said "It's because I named you" then Foxpelt said "Wait your my.." Mosspelt said "I am your Mother" then fox fur said "What?" Then Moss said "I have to go but remember the clans are in danger.

The fate of the clansحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن