Chapter Nineteen *EDITED*

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jagged edge - let's get married

harlem's perspective.
3.5 years later.

Who would've thought that my life would've changed so much in less than 4 years? If you would've asked me 4 years ago where you think I would be today, I wouldn't have said living in one of the nicest neighborhoods in LA, pregnant with my second child, owning my own spa and nail salon, raising and spoiling my daughter and in a very fulfilling relationship with the man of my dreams. Life is crazy.

I moved to LA a little over a year ago, with my baby and my man, and have been happy ever since. I loved living with Tiana's mom and working in her salon, but after a while, it got a bit claustrophobic. I was starting to grow a lot in my career and needed my own space. Plus, I wanted to move to a better city and explore some more. After I found a store front in LA, I bought it, opened my own spa and nail salon, and hired some of the best estheticians and nail techs in the city. I'm not rich but I'm very much living comfortably and able to give back and spoil my daughter and my future son.

Plus, we live in such a nice neighborhood. Harmony goes on play dates, has friends, and gets to live in a house where she has whatever she needs. We have a pool, a theater room, a play room and plenty of places for her to hide during hide and seek. She loves our house and I'm glad it's big enough for our growing family.

And my man makes money too! He's the one that initiated the move out here and I was ready to go wherever he wanted to go as long as I could have my own business space. These days I'm not doing much of the hands on work, though, since I am so far along in my pregnancy. I spend most of my times doing the business side of things, such as finances, advertising, etc.

Tiana and I are still best friends, of course. Some major things in her life has changed as well but we still keep our friendship strong through everything. We don't live in the same city, but she comes to visit whenever she can and I go visit her as well. She's almost finished with college and is going on to medical school soon. I'm so proud of her! Boss things only over here sis! She wants to be an OBGYN so I can't wait for her to be done with school. If I ever have another child, maybe she can help me deliver it.

Today, though, I am spending the day with Harmony. She's been in day care or with family a lot since I've been busy and exhausted this entire pregnancy, so I decided to make her feel special and loved today. We just got done getting our nails and feet done and I decided to come back to the house because she wanted me to make her a grilled cheese so bad. I get her out of her booster seat and hold her hand as I walk towards the front door of our home, waving at neighbors as we walk up the driveway.

I unlock the front door and the sound of my favorite throwback song, Let's Get Married by Jagged Edge is playing throughout the house. I raise an eyebrow, because my man shouldn't be home right now and my mind automatically goes to cheating. If this nigga is in here with another bitch, I swear all hell will break lose!

"Go sit on the couch, baby. Mommy will be right back." I tell Harmony. She runs into the living room and sits on the couch, playing with her iPad. I drop my bag off on the side table near the door and quietly walk upstairs, following the music. It leads me to my bedroom, so I slowly and quietly turn the door knob, opening the door.

My man stands before me, all dressed up. He has on a white button down shirt exposing some of his chest, some tan dress down pants and a nice pair of gucci loafers to go with them. He's holding a bouquet of $100 dollar bill wrapped roses and is smiling at me. "What's going on?" I ask him, still scanning the room for another bitch.

"I wanted to ask you something."

Suddenly, it hits me. This man is about to propose to me. That's why Harmony wanted to come home so bad, he got my own daughter to set me up! I couldn't even get cute or anything. My emotions get the best of me and I start crying happy tears.

My man smiles and hands me the flowers. After I take them, he gets down on one knee, takes the ring box out of his pocket, and starts proposing to me. "Harlem, I love you with everything in me. I know you'll be here to stand with me through any and everything, and you're the strongest woman I know besides my mother of course. You're a great mother, a great girlfriend and the only person I want by my side for the rest of my life. What I'm saying is, I want you to marry me. Will you marry me?"

I nod. "Of course I will!" I respond. He places the ring on my finger. He stands up and hugs me, then kisses me passionately. At this point, we're both crying happy tears and embracing each other. I'm so happy to have this man in my life. I'm so in love and now, I'm a fiancée!

After all of the hard shit I been through, my life is finally coming together. I'm running my own business doing what I love, I'm having my second child while giving my first one a great life, and now I'm engaged to the love of my life. What more could I ask for?

Who do y'all think she's in a relationship and having her second child with? Kyree? Christian? or a new man? Who do y'all WANT it to be? A new love interest or one of her old boos? Let me know.


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