Chapter Two *EDITED*

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Harlem's Perspective.

"When are you coming home? I miss you so much, girl."

"I miss you more. The semester will be over in a few weeks then we have all summer to turn up. Why you up so early anyway?" My best friend, Tiana, asks me.

"I have an opening shift and it's a double. Otherwise I would be in bed, sleeping at this moment." I say as I tie up my apron.

"Lucky you. I have an 8am almost every day of the week. I hate it here!" Tiana sarcastically says.

"Yeah I don't know how y'all do that college shit. 4 years of school for a degree that's not gonna even guarantee you a job? I can't."

"Girl bye! I wish you were here with me. I hate my roommate so much."

"Well if we were roommates we would've been kicked out by now. Parties every night." I laugh.

"You're right. Maybe it's best we're separated."

"Yeah but I have to go, boo. I gotta clock in." I tell her.

"Okay. Call me later. Love you sis."

"Love you too, Ti." I hang up my phone and slip it into my apron before going out onto the floor. I set up my tables, and clean up until the restaurant opens.

Hours later..

"My mom isn't answering at all?" I ask, frustrated.

"No ma'am. Someone has to come get him or we have to call Child Protective Services." The lady on the phone speaks.

"Okay, I'm on my way." I hang up.

I open my locker, take off my apron and throw it in the locker. I grab my purse, making sure I have my keys, phone, and all of my other personal belongings. I sling my purse over my shoulder and walk out of the break room, down the hall, and to my boss's office. I knock on the door and wait for her to answer.

"Come in!"

I walk into her office, shutting the door behind me. "What's wrong, Harlem? Your shift isn't over for another few hours."

"It's my brother again. I have to go and get him from school. Nobody knows where my mom is at. And if I don't go, they're gonna take him away from us."

"Harlem, this is your third time this week leaving early. Let's not count how many times this month or how many times since I've hired you. I hired you to do a job, and constantly leaving early is not part of it."

"It's nothing I can do to change my situation. All I have is my mom and my brother, it's not like I can send him off somewhere else. And I'm sorry but I really have to go." I stand up and start walking out of her office.

"Harlem, I can no longer allow this behavior to happen. Many other staff are complaining, and this is simply inconvenient for us, so, I'm going to have to let you go."

I don't even look back at my boss. I just close her office door, walk out of her restaurant, get into my car, and drive off, to my brother's school.

I walk into his classroom, seeing him playing with legos while the teachers clean up. He's the last student there and seeing that honestly breaks my heart.

"Heeeyyy Bubba!" I say, sneaking up on him.

"Harlem!" Carter wraps his arms around me, giving me the biggest smile in the world. "I thought mommy was coming today?"

"She couldn't come today I'm sorry Bubba. Go get your book bag while I sign you out." He nods and runs over to his cubby. I walk over to the front desk and sign him out. "I'm so sorry, by the way. I know my mom always does this but I'm gonna start picking him up from now on so you won't have to worry about this anymore." I quietly say to his teacher.

"It's fine, Harlem. He's a good boy so he sits there quietly most of the time. If you ever need help getting him to or from school I'd be happy to help."

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Jackson. I'll be sure to text or call if I do." I say, just as Carter runs up to me. "Say bye to your teacher Bubba."

"Bye Mrs. J!" He says, running out the door before me. I follow him out and help him into his booster seat in my car before getting into the driver's seat.

"You wanna get some ice cream?" I ask him.

"Before dinner?!" He asks, excitedly.

"Yeah, I'll buy you some ice cream, then we can go home and you can watch Trolls in my room, on the big TV." I tell him.

"Ok!" He says.

I take Carter home, get him a bowl of ice cream, and let him sit in my bed and watch Trolls, just to distract him.

"Don't make a mess on my bed, Carter or we're going to fight!" I playfully tell him.

I go into the living room and call my mom's phone over and over until she answers the phone.

"What you want?" She answers.

"Did you forget you had a child in daycare that had to be picked up by 6?" I ask her. "I got fired from my job today because I had to leave to pick him up again."

"Who do you think you're talking to?"

"He was the last child there, mom! The last one! Do you not know how that feels? For him? Or how embarrassing that is for me? Or for YOU?"

"Harlem Arielle Knights you must be out of your mind if you think you can talk to me like this."

"Are you coming home tonight, mom?" I ask her, annoyed.

"I'm on my way home now. And you better not be there when I get back." She hangs up before I could even respond. I roll my eyes and head back upstairs into my bedroom.

Author's Note: I know these chapters are short, but, I am going to start trying to make them much longer! Hopefully you guys are enjoying the story so far. If you're reading, thank you so much!

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