Chapter Four *EDITED*

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Harlem's Perspective.

I step back and look at my masterpiece. After spending the entire day cleaning Christian's apartment, it's finally how I like it. I even put little smell good plug ins in the wall and some candles in certain rooms. If I'm going to live here for a little while, I'm going to make it feel like home.

Christian got up and left super early this morning and even now, at almost 7pm, he's still not home. But, honestly, I don't care. The more time we spend apart, the better. That way I don't have to worry about me or him catching serious feelings.

It's so weird staying with Christian. It's only been a few days, but it's still very weird. I have never spent the night with him. It's always been we have sex and I go home. I never ever wanted to spend the night, plus I couldn't spend the night because I had to go home to make sure Carter was okay. I think I'm getting more and more used to being with Christian though. He's a sweet guy, he always makes sure to feed me and we have great sex, so I really don't have any complaints.

I go upstairs and lay across the bed in my silk robe. I take out my phone and scroll through Instagram, coming across an interesting profile. One of the girls I went to high school with was now a stripper and had an onlyfans page, and here she was, on my timeline, flexing money. I click on her profile and scroll through a little bit before watching her story. She posted an ad for the club she worked for, looking for new dancers. I hesitated for a second but screenshotted the ad, just in case.

Just then, my phone starts ringing and Tiana's name pops up on the screen. "Hello?" I answer, rolling over to lay on my back instead of my stomach.

"Guess what!" She says excitedly.


"I just came home from a date."

"Oooh bitch with who?! Tell me all about it!"

"Okay so we met a few weeks ago, I was leaving Starbucks one morning and dropped my entire drink so he bought me a new one. He was such a gentleman and sweetheart, he asked for my number and I gave it to him and we've just been talking all the time and hanging out all the time ever since then. He finally asked me out so I said sure, of course, and we ended up going to an arcade. I had so much fun, we got something quick to eat after and just like the gentleman he is, he dropped me back off at the dorm and walked me all the way up to my room to make sure I was safe. I think he's my husband, girl." She rambles.

"Aww he sounds so sweet! Who is he? How old is he? Did y'all kiss? You know I need to know this information just in case."

"His name is Josiah, he's a basketball player for my school. He's a sophomore, about to be 21, and he has a very promising future. I swear our vibes are so great. Like I just love hanging out with him, it's like I can let my guard down around him. And even better, he lives in our city so we can spend all summer building our bond. And, no, we didn't kiss. We're taking things slow so we haven't had our first kiss yet."

"I'm so happy for you." I tell her.

"Enough about me and my future husband, though. What about you? How are you? How are things with Christian?" She asks me.

I roll my eyes, "Ain't nothing up with me and Christian. I am staying with him though."


"My mom kicked me out. You know shit has been bad between us lately and she basically got me fired from my job because she kept not picking up Carter and I had to keep leaving work to go get him. I'm okay though and happy to get out of her house. I just miss my brother."

"I know you do, girl. If you need anything you know I got you until you get back on your feet."

"Girl, you're the broke college student. I got me. I got some money saved up plus Christian loves to forcefully spoil me so I'll be good. I was actually thinking about trying to be a dancer for some quick cash so I can get my own place."

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