The predicament you were in terrified you. Making matters worse was the fact that he didn't even glare.. in fact, he was more curious than anything.

"[Y/N]? What are you doing?"

He'd ask you, worsening the atmosphere. You heard as the operator repeated his words that was said prior, but before he could finish your thumb pressed against the red icon on your screen.

You still couldn't speak, nor could you break your eyes away. So that circular crevice in your ceiling you noticed not very long ago... was actually a peephole?

Shiro waited for your response quietly, but with that look on your face it almost seemed as if you didn't hear him the first time. "What are you doing?" He repeated. You flinched, the phone in your hand positioned against your bed. "I.. I was ordering pizza..."

You pursed your lips immediately afterwards. I mean, it sounded believable.. Now all you had to do was wait for him to leave you alone. "Oh.." The male mumbled, "If that's the case, let me wait with y-"

"No!" You interrupted with a shout. Taken aback, he quieted himself, meanwhile you tried to pick your composure back up and stammered. "I-I-It's because I suddenly changed my mind! I'm just going to sleep instead!"

Although you couldn't see it, he burrowed his brows in disappointment, but eventually smiled. "If you say so. Goodnight, [Y/N], I love you." Shiro moved away from the crevice, settling your heart. Though, you didn't even know if he was gone for good. That worried you.

'Ugh... that was.. so scary...' As if you were cold, you hugged your arms, sneaking continuous glanced toward where he once was. 'I wish that all of this was some bad dream...' And obviously, it wasn't.

Pressing your head against the pillow, you thought back on what's happened thus far, yet as soon as you closed your eyes ... an horrific image of Neiji appeared within your head. It was like he didn't want you to forget him, for that appearance regarding his unsightly grey corpse burned into your head.

Desperately pulling your pillow over your head, you attempted to clear your mind, however it worsened since you began to think about the memories the two of you shared together. You started feeling guilty. If you hadn't shown the slightest interest in Neiji, would he still be here? He wouldn't acknowledge you, that's for sure..

Hell, the two of you wouldn't have known each other at all...

It was better than having him die. Sucking in your lower lip, your eyes squeezed together to keep the tears from slipping from your eyes. Your body vibrated heavily in both anguish and anger, quietly cursing for Shiro's wrongful deeds to be punished by bad karma. 

The more time you weeped to yourself, the more time went on, and eventually you found yourself opening your eyes due to your alarm clock, which loudly went on through your ears. You were drowsy at first, and as you moved to the edge of your bed you'd hesitate a little. Right... you were supposed to go on pretending and deceiving others for the sake of Shiro's secret.

Pressing your hands to your face, you exhaled shakily in fear. But after a while, you stood up to get dressed, and then left for school.

Your stalker tried to walk with you along the way, however you brushed off his presence, as if he wasn't there. Obviously, he knew why you were ignoring him, but still pursued you in starting conversation. "[Y/N], did'ya sleep well?"

Shiro asked you, gazing at you as the both of you set foot onto the campus and entered the hallway. You couldn't get over how identical he was to Seiichiro, especially when he wore those golden eye contacts, as well as did his hair.

No wonder you've been completely fooled this entire time, but it's not like you knew who he was beneath the mask.

Continuing on with your morning without sparing Shiro not even an drop of attention, you sat down in your seat, and upon doing so Kirigiri approached you with crossed arms.  The male beside you on the other hand, leisurely got himself seated as well, and then began to stare towards the redhead intently.

"Hey," She started, "Let's talk about yesterday. What happened to you, and where'd you go?" Her blue eyes lifted up to the one beside you, her discomfort vivid.

You went silent. I mean, what else could you say?? You were knocked unconscious and then uncovered the fact that Seiichiro wasn't actually Seiichiro? And to add onto that, you managed to find Neiji's corpse?

All of that would've just been too much to take in, and besides, who knew what Shiro would do if you spilled everything..

Kirigiri scoffed. She saw that you just sat there, staring at the handle of the school bag in your hand. "Why aren't you saying anything?" Pressing her hands against your desk, she leaned in close so she wouldn't be overheard from the students entering. "Seiichiro tried to hurt me, remember? We've gotta get the dirt on him so we can tell the police! What if he tries something again..?"

Shiro thought the plan was dumb enough as it is. This made him stand up, his body pivoting into Kirigiri's direction. He narrowed his eyelids, and then stuffed his hands into his pockets. "She obviously doesn't wanna talk to you. Do you think she'd be willing to after what you put her through?"

You flinched. That was true, but Shiro's actions was far more reprehensible.

Shiro then placed one of his hands against the top of your head, bringing his lips close to your ear in a low whisper, yet audible enough to Kirigiri's ears.

"If she's so intent to have justice served ... then how about we also expose her actions?"

Shiro moved his eyes from you and onto the other girl, the atmosphere contorting along with his sick and manipulative grin. His eyes went cruel yet stared almost passively, as if he wasn't worried at all. "We'll both be the ones expelled, and then in court. Isn't that right, [Y/N]?"

You still hadn't replied to either of them. Your spine ruptured with countless shivers out of fear, and upon hearing his words you knew there was no way to break free of his shackles.

Kirigiri took a step back, horror written along her expression. "Y.. You-" She was interrupted however, when another voice intervened. "...I can definitely see why she'd be so scared."

Steps filled the room, and with the three of you, including a few more occupants looking over... Yet another tide was turned. It wasn't only you had went completely tense. Shiro himself was extremely pale, and his golden irises went wide in shock and confusion.

The newest arrival stopping directly beside Kirigiri, he stared at the face of Shiro, and then tilted his head to the side. "You looked so shocked that it almost seems real. With that act you got goin' on, it's really difficult to tell if you're faking or not." He pulled the collar of his uniform down a little, revealing his heavily bruised shoulder. It was so bad that it could no longer even heal.

"Some brother you are, huh?"

[Chapter END]

There's a STALKER in my attic! [Yandere! Boy X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now