That Time Of The Month

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   Jack and I grin as we look around my so called lair. We'd finally gotten all of the bigger stuff in. It'd taken several hours, blood, sweat and a terrifying moment of thinking we'd been caught, but we got it done. We both collapse onto the couch.

   "Now we can start getting all of the little things in," Jack says, looking around happily.

   "Now we can go to sleep," I groan out, closing my eyes and leaning my head on his shoulder. He chuckles and wraps his arm around me. 

   "Okay, sleepyhead, lets get you to bed." He stands and I fall face first into the couch. I don't even bother to move, content with sleeping like this. He tries to tug me up and I shake my head, jerking my hands away.

   "Too tired," I mutter. "Sleep here." I curl up in a ball and wrap my arms around my legs. He laughs at me and I crack an eye to glare up at him. "Shut it, frostbite," I grumble and close my eye again. He laughs even harder at that. I suppose it was that nickname. I hadn't even meant to say it. 

   "Come on. I'll carry you." I peak up at him a moment, then leap up and launch myself at him. My arms and legs go around him and he grunts as he stumbles back a few steps. "A little warning net time?" I chuckle and bury my face in his neck. He settles his arms under my butt to hold me up and starts heading down the hall. I don't know why but the motion of him carrying me slowly lulls me to sleep.

I wake up in my bed with my shoes and socks on the floor next to it. I groan and turn around, wishing the sun to fizz out and cease its incessant shinning through my window. My stomach is hurting and I don't want to get up just yet. I groan again when I realize that it's Monday. There's a knock at my door and I throw my hammer at it. I didn't throw it hard enough and it slams into the floor before it even gets halfway to the door. I grunt. The door swings open and Kristen and Willow stand there with odd looks on there faces.

   "Did you throw a hammer at us?" Kristen questions. I nod, not ashamed in the least. It's early and I'm not ready to get up. "Where did you get a hammer?" I point to my bedside table. "Why do you have a hammer next to your bed?" 

   "It's supposed to ward off unwanted visitors," I mutter and turn away from them, snuggling into my blanket. "It apparently doesn't work, so I thought throwing it would be more effective." Kristen snorts and walks in with Willow. 

   "Come on then." Kristen yanks my blankets off and I groan, glaring at her menacingly. It sadly has no effect on her and she rolls her eyes. "School start in an hour. Get up, shower and get dressed." I slam my pillow over my head in an attempt to block her out. She continues to annoy me for another ten minutes before I decide that she isn't going to go away and get up. She smirks and I glare at her. 

   I take a quick shower and get ready. I use he bathroom and roll my eyes when I realize just why I was in such a bad mood. I decide not to go all out today. I throw on some black ripped leggings and a plain black zip up jacket. I throw on some tennis shoes with some band symbol on the side and look at them.

   "Okay, I'm ready." I grab my bag and phone and we leave. I make sure to throw a bottle of pain killers into my bag first though.

   "That time of the month?" Kristen asks and I grunt in response. 

   "I know a herbal remedy that can help with the pains," Willow offers. I give her a slight smile.

   "No, thanks, Willow. I'll be fine." She nods and we continue. I know that I'm going to be in a terrible mood all day. Scratch that. All week. 

   "This should be an interesting day," Kristen says, smirking. I grunt again. We get our breakfast and sit down with the boys. I sit in silence for a while before they start trying to poke and prod at me to see what's the matter.

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