Brewing Up Spells

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   My eyes go wide as I watch Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos go back to the Isle looking for . . . me. I shake my head of any positive thoughts towards them and grin. This would be a great time to hatch my plan.

   I look into the scepter and start swirling my hand around it as both it and my eyes turn green. "Once they enter do not share, they shall never go anywhere." I feel the magic swirl around me before dispersing to do my bidding. I had bought a few old spell books on the Isle that I decided to bring with me whenever I would be able to get off the Isle. All that reading and memorizing was doing good now. No one would be able to see or hear them once they get to the Isle and, even if the barrier is taken down, they will not be able to leave. That was the purpose of the spell at least; I couldn't tell which spells were legit and which ones were complete bogus. 

   I grab the scepter and focus on it. I feel the glamour settle over me and look over into the mirror. I looked exactly like Mal. I laugh evilly and look back at the scepter. It starts glowing as do my eyes and I see the green smoke start coming up around me. I close my eyes and when I open them I'm in Mal and Evie's bedroom. I grin and walk over to jump back on the closest bed. 

   I look up and see Mal's closest. I hop up and go over to it. I go through everything, trying things on and ripping up the ugly Auradon styled dresses before laughing and looking around the room. I go over and grab my scepter. I see where Mal's spell book is and close my eyes. I hear a loud thud and open them. It was sitting in the middle of the floor. I walk over and grab it, flipping through until I find the two spells I need.

   "Too much too soon, make me dozens of macaroons." I do the little finger motions and trays of macaroons appear around me. I grin and flip to the next spell that I need. "Once second one bite, and send them into a sleepy fright." I motion may hand over top of all the macaroons and watch as a light dusting falls over them. I grin as i grab one and old it up. Perhaps the dear old E.Q. wasn't as crazy as I first thought. Disguises and poison spells were actually pretty fun. Now all I need to do is make sure that everything goes according to plan for me.

   I walk back over to the bed and jump back on it. Oh, this was going to be fun.

***Mal's P.O.V

   We drive onto the Isle on the bikes and Carlos jumps off the moment we're on shore again, breathing heavily.

   "I hate those things! At least when they aren't on solid ground." We all laugh and look around, expecting all eyes to be on us, but they aren't. People are walking right by us without a secind glance.

   "Uh, weird." They all nod at my statement and we walk our bikes over to a big pile of rubbish and, when no one is looking, hide them underneath it. We smile at each other and start heading in the direction of Curl Up And Dye. We figured that should be the first place we look. As we walk, people don't move out of the way hurriedly like they used to, they don't even acknowledge us. I was at least expecting glares from everyone, maybe someone spitting in our direction. This is getting a little more than weird. We glance at each other in confusion and pick up our pace to get to Dixxy's.

   Once we get there, we walk in, hoping to see Mel and Dizzy rocking out as they cleaned or did someone's hair or nails. Nope. It was just dizzy, cleaning some orange hair up off the floor. 

   "You know, I really don't think orange is anyone's color." I grin and lean against the door way, expecting to see her spin around with a gasp and run over to tackle Evie and I in a hug. She doesn't even glance our way. A hurt look comes across Evie's face and she walks of to Dizzy.

   "Dizzy? What's wrong? What's up with everyone? We'd get snarls, rude remarks, threats and glares, but this just isn't normal. What's going on? Talk to me." Dizzy just goes on sweeping and I can tell Evie's holding back tears.

   I push off of the door jam and walk forwards a couple steps. "Dizzy, we need to find Mel. Do you know where we could find her?" She completely ignores me.

   "Dizz." Evie finally sobs out. Her and Dizzy had always been close and I knew that this was probably tearing her apart. "Come on. Don't be like that. Talk to me. Tell me what's wrong. I can fix it." Tears slowly roll down Evie's cheeks and I feel a spark of anger go through me. I stomp forward and spin Dizzy around and she shrieks. She doesn't look at me though. It almost seems like she looks through me. Her head snaps side to side as she surveys her surroundings, never once settling on any of us.

   "W-hos there?" All of our eyes go wide and Evie and I take a step back.

   "Dizzy. It's Evie, Mal, Jay and Carlos. Come on, Dizz." Evie kneels down in front of Dizzy and tries to look in her eyes, but Dizzy looks straight through her. This isn't normal.

   "Evie. Come on. It's useless." She looks at me in shock and shakes her head.

   "No. Mal, somethings wring with Dizzy. We have to help her." I see her start to tear up again and quickly shake my head.

   "Nothing's wrong with her, Eve. It's us. We've been spelled." They all look at me in confusion, save for Dizzy, who's eyes are still darting around the room in fear.

   "Magic doesn't work on the Isle, Mal. That's the whole point." 

   "No. Evil magic doesn't work on the Isle. And we were probably spelled before we were ever even on the Isle." I think about all the spells I know that can do this. My mind short circuits as I think of the only spell and the only place I've ever seen it that would be doing this. "And there is only one spell book with that kind of spell in it."

   I look at Jay and understanding comes across his features. Understanding and shock. He knew where I was going with this.

   "The one I got for her on her tenth birthday." Carlos and Evie look at us confused for a moment before the same look comes across both of their faces.

   "She wouldn't. Would she? She would never do something like that to us. And she would have to be off the island when she did that." Evie tries to reason, but we all know the truth.

   "How could she have got off? She can't swim, same as us." We all think about what Carlos said for a moment until I look up.

   "I think I know where my mother's scepter went." Their eyes go wide. I look out the door towards Auradon. "Mel's off the Isle. And she's out for revenge."

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