Making A Plan

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***Mal's P.O.V

   We run and grab our bikes. Only now, everyone could see us and looked at us in bewilderment and step out of the way. They could see us now. We had to leave. We grab the bikes and make our way to the front gate. I press the button and we leave. I look back just as Harry and Gill run face first into the barrier. I smirk. Suckers.

   We get to the school and head to Evie and I's room. I turn the nob and push on the door and am met with resistance. I look at the others and we nod at each other. I brace myself and shove. I hear a thump and look down. Someone was on the floor. I shove my way inside and see that it's Chad. 

   "What's Chad doing passed out in your floor?" I just shake my head in answer to Carlos. Then I look up and see the mess. There were baskets filled with little baked treats everywhere. I look back at Chad and see a half eaten one laying by his hand.

   "Mel." They look at me in confusion. I point at the macaroon. "She decided to take a page from the Evil Queen's book. But instead of apples she used macaroons." We walk further into the room and see evidence of Mel being here. Her clothes, her spell books . . . and mom's scepter. 

   "You're back!" We all spin around to see Doug and Jane in the doorway. Evie rushed forward and embraced Doug.

   I notice a spell book in his hand. It was one of Mel's. "Did you two do this?"

   Doug pulls back and pushes his glasses up. "If you mean break the spell keeping you on the Isle, then yes." Evie smiles and hugs him again while he just grins with his arms around her waist.

   "Well, thank you. Do you know where Mel is?" He blinks in shock.

    "You know her?" 

   "Yes, she's my little sister. Now have you seen her?" He nods and walks over to grab the remote.

   "Yeah, she's with Ben. She's glamoured herself to look like you. He thinks that you came back early do to having so much and the others stayed behind." He turns on the TV and I see Ben and I, I mean Mel, sitting and having lunch with Queen Repunzel and King Ryder. Oh no. We all gather around. She looked exactly like me. I couldn't find a single flaw. And she wore exactly what Evie would have made me wore had we been here.

   "You are so sweet, Mal! And you two are just adorable!" Repunzel gushes over Ben and Mel while they smile back politely.

   "Thank you, your highness. This place is just gorgeous by the way!" Mel gushes back. She was getting them hook, line and sinker. She had Repunzel's total adoration already and Ryder wouldn't go against her on it. This isn't good.

   "We need to talk to her in private. People can't be around when she realizes that we aren't on the Isle anymore." Everyone nods except for Jay. I look at him and see the grief, regret, longing and determination set in every part of his face. This was killing him. More than it was killing me. I loved my sister, but that love can never match what Jay feels for her. He'd kill and die for her well being. I'd only kill and die for Ben, my friends and the people's now.

   "I want to talk to her. Just me. Alone." I shake my head.

   "No, Jay. She isn't herself. You don't know what could happen." He starts shaking his head and looks up at me, finally tearing his gaze away from the screen to meet my eyes.

   "I'm talking to her. Alone. That's that." He walks out of the room without another word or glance in anybody's direction. We all look at each, not knowing what to say.

   Finally Evie looks at me and says, "Let him. She's most likely to listen to him and he needs this. He needs to be the one to save her." I shake my head.

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