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***Doug's P.O.V

  I frantically knock on Jane's door until she opens the door. She does and looks at in alarm.

   "Doug? What's wr-" I cover her mouth and push her back into the room, kicking the door shut behind me. I look around to make sure no one is there and remove my hand. I didn't want anyone to hear me.

   "I need your help. Evie and the others in trouble and there's some crazy girl from the Isle walking around with Ben pretending to be Mal." She looks at me in confusion and like she thought I had gone mad.

   "What are you talking about, Doug?" 

   "Sit down." She does and I explain everything to her.

   "Oh my God. We have to help them! But I can't do magic! Remember the coronation? I couldn't do it!" I shake my head.

   "This is different, Jane. The book tells you what to do and there are no hand movements you have to do. Just mixing ingredients and saying the words. You have magic, Jane. I don't. I need your help with this." She looks at me in helplessness for a moment, then a determined look comes across her face and she nods firmly.

   "Lets do it." I smile.

   "Okay. Lets go down to the kitchen. We can do it there. That way we have the ingredients." She nods again and we leave.

***Jay's P.O.V

   I collapse onto my lumpy, uncomfortable bed. We'd tried everything to try to get off this island and have come up with nothing. And we had no way of knowing what Mel was planning or what she had already accomplished. This wasn't good. As much as I loved the girl, I was going to strangle her when this is over. If this ends. One things for sure. Something has been brewing inside of Mel for a long time. She wasn't bad because she wanted to impress her mother, like the four of us had been, she was bad because she liked it. She reveled in it. Seeing people in pain made her smile. Innocent and guilty alike. Watching them loose everything made her laugh. And being responsible for it gave her so much satisfaction it scared me. 

   She didn't steal candy from babies, she gave them candy covered in poison. She didn't trip you, she kicked your knee hard enough to break it while you're walking down the stairs. When she glared, it's in your best interest to run. That was just Mel. We had helped make her that way, but we weren't nearly as bad. When one of us would push someone into a muddy puddle, she was dumping a bucket of puke, pee and animal blood on someone. When one of us threw a punch when someone made us mad, she was taking on the people for the fun of it, even if she knew she'd loose.

   She viewed every loss as a reason to make herself better, harder, stronger, more ruthless. She didn't let people tear her down, and if they did, she came back to twice as much force as before and took them down with ease. It was a wonder she hadn't taken on Uma yet. Uma and Mal hated each other and it would have made Mal happy to see her fall to her knees. Even if she wasn't the one to put her there.

   She'd grown up since that time those guys cornered her. They'd tried doing it again just a month later and she had pummeled all of them. Mel was evil. That's it. And I didn't know if we could save her at this point. We hadn't saved her then, and it's too late now.

***Doug's P.O.V

   We locked the door to the kitchen behind us. No one could know what was going on. It would cause panic and whoever it was posing as Mal would know that she had been discovered and would do something in the heat of the moment that could get people killed. We had to be discreet.

   "Okay, what do we need?" Jane asks and I open the book back open to the correct page.

   "Frog liver, snapdragon, Althea root, calf's blood, four goose feathers and something that belongs to the caster."

   "Okay, you start setting up and I'll go get the supplies." I nod and she leaves. I lock the door behind her and and start getting things ready for her to do the spell.  

   Half an hour later, we were standing at the counter with everything set out in front of us ready for the spell. Jane had went to Evie and Mal's room and had found a bag with cloths in it. She had grabbed a shirt to use as the personal artifact. It was laid out on the table.

   "Okay, I'll say the spell and you put things in as they need to be." I nod and put the bowl filled with calf's blood in between us so we can both reach it. I nod at her and she starts speaking. "A spell has been cast and must be reversed," her hands start moving over the bowl and the blood starts to bubble. I put the snapdragon in it. "four people have been wronged and must be honored." I dropped the feathers one by one into the bowl. "Thy spell has no power over those cursed," Next was the Althea root. It made a hissing sound as I dropped it in. "reverse to the one who conjured." I dropped the frog liver in and a puff of smoke burst up from the now boiling spell. "Now pour it over the shirt."

   I picked it up. The bowl was hot to the touch and weighed a ton. I poured it slowly over the shirt. I had expected it to go everywhere and splash up on me. It didn't. Instead, the blood stayed on the shirt and soaked into it and started eating the shirt. It was like I had poured acid onto the shirt. It started to slowly burn away at the edges until it got to the middle and just disappeared. 

   I look at Jane. "That it?" She shrugs, shaking her head.

   "I don't know. I don't use magic and this is a dark magic book. I don't even know if it worked." I look back over to where the shirt used to be.

   "I think it worked. Now what? Do we go and get them?" She shakes her head again.

   "No. They'll know. You don't always know when a spell has been put on you right away, but you know when ones been broken." I nod. So now we wait. This is going to be a long day.

***Mal's P.O.V

   I clutch a hand to my chest. We all had started feeling something build up in our chest a few minutes ago and it just kept getting worse and worse. 

   "What's happening?" I look over at Carlos. He and Evie were on the ground, Evie completely collapsed and slumped over with he hands clutching her chest and Carlos kneeling with one hand on his chest and one braced on the ground to keep him from falling like Evie had. Jay was bent over bracing himself on with a hand to his chest and I was braced against a wall trying to claw whatever had made its home in my chest out.

   "Magic. Someones . . . using . . . magic." I gasp out between breathes. Suddenly it reaches its all time high and we all cry out, collapsing to the ground in pain, unable to hold ourselves up. Then it stopped. There wasn't a trace of the blazing white agony that had occupied our chest just moments before. We look at each other  with one thought in all of our heads. The spell had been broken. 

   We could go after Mel. We could get my sister back.

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