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   When I open my eyes again, I'm not on the Isle anymore. I don't know where I am. I look around and it finally dawns on me that I'm at Auradon Prep. This isn't good. I need to get out of here. I hoist my bag up onto my shoulder and start walking towards the closest set of woods near me. 


   I've been walking for three days now and I'm not sure where I am. I didn't want to use the scepter until I absolutely had to, so I had o way of finding food, a place to stay, or a way out of here. I did occasionally look into it to see what was going on with everyone here. 

   Mal was all cozy with her king and the others were one big happy family. I sneer at the thought. I needed that wand. I wanted that wand. The only problem being that dad was the only one that even thought I had made it off the isle.

   I come across a clearing and see and old cottage. I grin and look at my scepter. I don't care what anybody says, it's mine now. As I stare at it, I can feel my eyes turn to a shade of green. I didn't get much from Maleficent, but the glowing green eyes, I did. They did turn a neon blue on occasion, but that was just when I was really mad and about to snap.

   The scepter starts to glow and the cottage shifts. It's almost instantly restored to its former glory. I grin and walk through the old metal gate. I walk into the cottage and realize where I am when I go upstairs and see seven small beds. Dear ole Snow's hide away from the E.Q. I grin and start pushing the small beds together to make one large bed long ways. I set my bag down and go downstairs to look for something to eat. 

   I was going to stay here while I put a plan together for bringing Auradon and the DK's to their knees. 

   I dig through the cabinets until I find a loaf of stale, moldy bread that had only had a couple bites taken out of it by the mice. I tear the chewed up part off while I look around. It was dirty, but I was used to that. It wouldn't bother me one bit. Even with how run down this place was, I've still lived in worse while living on the Isle. 

   I go back upstairs and jump back onto the make shift human sized bed. It was actually really comfortable, to my surprise. I hold my hand out towards the scepter where I had left it by the bedroom door as I take a bite of the bread and it instantly flies over to me.

   I stare into it and it starts to glow. I see Evie, Jay, Carlos and Ben all in one of the dorm rooms hanging out, but I didn't see Mal. That surprised me. She was rarely more than a few feet away from her precious Benny Boo. I shrug it off and set the scepter down. I eat the rest of the bread before rolling over and falling asleep.

*** Mal's P.O.V.

   I stare out the window of my and Evie's dorm room, but I don't see anything in front of me. My thoughts are consumed by Mel. I was worried about her. I shouldn't have left her there. I should have put my foot down on the matter with mom. I don't know how mom got off the Isle without her scepter and I don't know where her scepter is. 

   "Mal?" I look back and give Evie a weak smile.

   "She knows we aren't coming back now. I thought we could go back for her when we got the wand. That I would be able to take care of her properly. But I can't. She's stuck there and no body here even knows, Evie. Do you know what they're probably putting her through, right now? The other villain kids are probably torturing her. How could we have just left her like that? We didn't even try to look for her!" Even with the emotional turmoil going through me, I'm surprised to feel tears wet my lashes.

   "Hey, come here." Evie pulls me over to her my bed and we sit down. She pulls me into a hug and I finally start crying. I've never cried like this before, full body racking sobs and tears flowing down my face in water falls. "She knows that we love her. And we are getting her off that Island, Mal. Did you really think any of us had any intention of leaving her there? No! Now dry up those tears and we'll get the guys in here and start talking, including Ben. He's the one that will make this thing happen." I nod and sit up, wiping the tears away. I was so glad I didn't wear make up.

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