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   I groan as I walk around Mal and Evie's room. I had to wait a little while to set my plan into action so that Ben and whoever else they told that they were going back to the island for me will think that they went over and looked for me and can't find me. I was going to tell Ben that they couldn't find me and I came back while they stay and look. She was becoming important to the people and how things work, so it would make sense that she would need to come back when the others didn't. But they would need to be gone a few days before Mal would come back, so here I am, stuck in this boring room with nothing to do.

   I grab one of my spell books and walk over to the window. I hide behind the curtain and look out at the people. I see Chad Charming, the son of Cinderella and Prince Charming, and grin. I open my spell book and start flipping through it, stopping at the desired page.

   "He is going at to fast a pace, make him fall on his face." I swipe my finger in a few directions Chad trips over his own feet and falls face first into the ground. I chuckle and watch as Audrey, Loni, Ben and a few others rush over to him. Once he gets up and I'm able to see him, I see the scrapes he has on his face and have to hold back a burst of laughter. 

   I look around for my next victim. Audrey. She was the daughter of the Sleeping Beauty. The same one that should still be sleeping. I flip through my book again, but much slower. I wanted the perfect one for her. I grin when I find the one.

   "Beware forswear, when she wakes up, ruin her hair." I make a few motions and see the magic settle over her hair. I grin and look around. I wasn't happy that I couldn't see the affects now, but no one could know that this was me. Or that this was magic. I set my sights on Jane and another grin comes across my face.

   Like every other time, I flip through my book until I find one that satisfies me. I look up at Jane with an evil grin and start speaking. "The problem with youth is that they never tell the truth." I make a few hand motions. She was talking to someone and immediately frowns when she can't say what she wants. This one was a bit risky, but it was funny. And I'd imagine that if her mother found her lying, that she'd be dead in two seconds flat.

   I turn around, satisfied, and walk over to the bed and lay down. I hadn't been eating much. The food that I conjured with spells doesn't actually do anything for people. They were meant to carry spells and curses, not to nourish people. So I could only eat when I snuck out at night and stole something from the kitchen.

   I decide that I didn't want to wait that long when my stomach growls loudly and get up. I grab a bag and put my favorite spell book, which was the one I was using earlier, in it along with a few other things. I nod my head in satisfaction and head out, and run right into Ben walking by the door. I stumble and his arms go around my wait to steady me. He smiles down at me in surprise.

   "You're back! Where is she?" I look at him in confusion until I remember that I looked like Mal and he had gone to get me from the Isle. I put on a sad and regretful look.

   "We couldn't find her, Ben. She's just . . . gone. I knew I had to come back, but the others stayed behind for a while. I don't know when they'll be back. Oh, I hope that they find her, Ben. I'm so worried." I wrap my arms around myself and grip my elbows, looking at the floor. He wraps his arms around me and I smirk into his chest. This guy was way too trusting. He was making this almost too easy. I loose the smirk and pull back, looking up at him.

   "I'm sure that they'll find her. Come on. Lets get you something to eat." I nod and he leads me away. We come into what I'm guessing is the Mess Hall, though it looked more like a royal kitchen if you ask me. "So what do you want?" 

   I snort. "I'm capable of making my own plate, Ben. I've lost my sister, not my motor skills." He blushes and looks away.

   "Yeah, sorry. I just wanted to take car of you. I can imagine how worried on." I put on a look of understanding, worry, sorrow and regret on my face, which is hard when all I want to do is punch him in his stupid face and curse his entire blood line. I smiles and kisses my cheek. I try my best not to recoil in disgust, but it's hard. When he pulls back, I smile at him shyly.

Left Behind (Descendants fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें