Chapter 16

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My heart starts to pound so hard again. My cheeks got hotter, not just my cheeks, it feels like my whole face is getting hotter.

"Marie, why are you so red? Are you sick?" Raine touch my forehead.

"You seem hot. Are you okay?" I move back.

"I am fine. Don't worry. What did Ajax say?" Raine look at her bag and take something.

"Here, some water. I didn't heard it, they are already far." I take the bottled water and drink some water.

"Did you eat something you aren't allowed to?" I shake my head.

"I guess I walk around too much. I should be going Raine, I have to rest. Maybe, I really do have a fever." Even though Raine wouldn't let me go now because there might be something bad happen to me when she thought of that I am sick, but, I have to leave.

"I'll take you home." I smile at her. "Thank you but—-"

"I'll book you a taxi instead, I want you to go home safe." I nod.

We go to the meeting point and Raine send me off. "Please message me if you got home. Rest well Marie. See you." She closes the passenger's seat door and the taxi is on the move.

I hold my chest, why is it like this? What could be his answer? I suddenly feel different right now about Ajax, if it weren't that forehead kiss, this feelings I am having right now wouldn't occur.

I should talk to someone whom I trust about these feelings of mine, maybe I will be able to find an answer.

When I got home, I message Raine that I am home safe, she replied that she is on the way back to her home also and told me to rest.

Today is a brand new day!

The sun shines so brightly, the birds chirps like they are singing, and the plants dances with the wind, what a peaceful day it is.

I go up from the bed, go to my plants at the balcony and water them. I also did some few talks with the plants, to give them a boost of the day.

I wash my face and brush my teeth, tie up my hair into a ponytail.

Wondering why I am so happy in the morning? We are already on a semestral break! We all survive the battles at the midterms. David, Raine and I retain our spots at the top and still secured our scholarships. We also make our eating out happen. We have fun, and we do things like we always do.

Also, today is my 18th birthday. My debut. (A/N: 18 year is the debut year of a lady in the Philippines, I am not sure if it does the other countries have debuts on the age of 18 also or do they celebrate a debut. Please let me know on the comments below.)

Mom was keep on bugging me about my plans on my birthday celebration for a whole month ago, I told her that a simple birthday will be fine, no need for a huge celebration, as long as the people I care the most is invited, is enough for me. I don't know much of a people to be invited in a huge debut party, I also take note about the financial capability of my Mom. A simple party is fine.

Mom has been busy since yesterday. I don't know what she was doing, she receives calls a lot, and been going in and out. I try to ask her about why is she like that, she told me that she has work to do and it is important as a deadline is coming soon so she needs to finish it fast.

When I go to the kitchen, Mom is sitting at the dinning table. She is talking to someone at the phone again.

"I'll call you later. Marie, a wonderful day it is, Happy birthday!" Mom give me a tight hug and a kiss on the cheeks. "My Marie has become a lady." I smile at Mom.

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