Chapter 12

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I almost fall my fork.

"Is everything okay Marie?" Mom asks.

"Everything is fine Mom." Ajax? As far as I remember, he helped and talked to Racey. How did he went so fast to help me? Knowing that David can jump from the top of the fall and Edward just dive down.

I think he did that because I am his partner. Luckily, I fell unconscious as I won't be hearing his speeches again.

"The Doctor called me in the morning, he said you can be discharged tomorrow as you have a splendid progress on your recovery." Mom pack some of my things.

"Can I go to the University?" Mom nods while packing. "Yes, he said you can, if you want to go, it is fine."

I finish my spaghetti and put it on its bag.

"Mom, I can pack on my own, you should go home." Mom look at me and I look at her assuring that I am going to be fine.

"Well, if you say so. I will be going ahead now. I will be here tomorrow noon to pick you up." Mom give me a hug and take the food bag and leave.

I went to my hospital bed and put all my stuffs there to pack. I am really fine right now. I think I can go to the University tomorrow.

I start packing my things, while I am clearing up the drawer in the side table, I see a small keychain teddybear and it has a note in it, 'Be well' it says. I smile thinking that David must have put this while I was sleeping.

Next day have arrived, Mom and I is already going to the University. "You sure, you are good to go?" I hold Mom's hand from the steering wheel of the car.

"I am Mom. Remember, your daughter is strong." Mom smiled at me. I walk down the car and immediately go to the Performing Arts Club.

"Marie!" Marrine wave at me. She go to me and hug me. "I am happy that you are fine." Rose also hug me.

"Are you sure that you can practice after getting discharged from the hospital?" Rose asks.

"I am, I remember that we will be together for today's practice, that's why I can't wait to have a practice with all of you." I smile at them. We all go at the front of the stage. Our club President is also shocked that I am going to attend the practice today.

I am with Marrine, Rose, Devon and Racey on this scene. Well, I am somehow impress that Racey is at this scene as it fits her.

"Marie, try to stop your sneeze. I know that you are not used to with make-up but try to endure it." The President shouts while telling those for me to hear him clearly.

Racey roll her eyes, Marrine and Rose just shrug their shoulders.

"Devon, be more aggressive!" Ugh! The President never stops.

"Marrine, where's your stuff?!"

"Rose be more feminine."



"From the start!" I lay down at the floor stage. Marrine and Rose squat down to look at me.

"Regretting it?" I smile at them.

"Nah." I answer.

They stretch their hands to me and I take it, they pull me up. "It's good to be back." Marrine and Rose smile at me.

We really have a hard time on this practice. But barely, we did it, we somehow master already our acts to this scene. "You will have a long period with the President, Marie." Marrine says. We are now going back to our classes as the practice is done.

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