"I like your way of saying I'm proud of you,"

"Dr Foster called to Dr Webber's office,"

Renee was by the nurses' station completing her charts when the announcer announced that she needed to report to his office, Derek and Mark who were on the station too looked over at her with raised eyebrows. She looked over at both of them one by one with a questioning gaze and followed by glare which caused both of them to look down immediately.

"Why are you called to Richard's office?" Derek, the ever-curious cat, asked.

"It's none of your business," Renee answered.

"Oh, come on, tell us," Mark said wiggling his eyebrows at her.

"Shut up, now if you two nosy people will excuse me I have a meeting with the Chief," 

"Are you going to be the Chief?" Derek asked as she started walking away.

"Dr Renee Foster, Chief of Surgery. Nah, doesn't have a nice ring to it," Mark waved it off.

"You know what, I don't like you two and I hope some chick breaks your penis, Mark,"

"Hey, take it back, take it back right now!!"

Renee knocked on Richard's office door and entered his office when she received a small 'come in' from him, she entered in there with a smile. There were a few people sitting in front of Richard in very professional suits, they all looked over at her when she entered before giving her a professional smile.

"Dr Foster, this is Davis Correy and Tina Pinto," Richard introduced them.

"Good Afternoon," Renee greeted them as she gave them a small smile from where she was standing.

"They are social workers and on the baby girl's case," Richard said. 

"We have some doubts," Tina said.

"Okay, what doubts?" 

"Your profile is very good but we think that you'll have trouble finding time for the baby girl," 

"So, what you are saying is that I-," Renee asked them her voice breaking at the end.

"We feel that with your profession, fostering elder kids will be beneficial for both the kids and for you," Davis said.

"I understand but I will make sure to have time for her," Renee told them desperately.

"We are sorry,"    

Renee was sitting in the room where the baby girl was kept, the little girl had to undergo an emergency transplant and was kept in the incubation box to prevent her from infections, Addison performed the surgery with the help of Burke before he disappeared and Addison went to LA to work at Sam and Naomi's private practice. She watched as the girl exhaled and inhaled through her tube which had to be interested to help her breath properly, tears filled her eyes at the thought that she might not be able to see her ever again.

"I am sorry, I wish I could take you home," She said as she softly ran a finger on the baby's head.

"I had everything planned you know, I bought you little cute clothes, toys for you, I even had a name for you," She said as the baby made a little noise.

"Ilaria Foster," Renee whispered.

"It's beautiful," Renee looked over at the door where Callie was standing with a small pitiful smile on her face.

"I even had a middle name," She said as Callie came to sit across her also putting her hand through the cavity of the incubator.

"What was it?"

"Nara, it a Japanese name which meant joy,"

"I think you should use it," Callie said.

"I don't know, she is going to strangers, who know nothing about her, they don't know the little things she does,"

"She sleeps for the majority of the day, Ren,"

"Yeah, but she moves her leg slightly when she is hungry, she has a very strong grip and-and" Renee broke down in the end.

"I am so sorry, Ren,"

"Dr Foster, Dr Webber had called you to his office,"

Renee looked up from her body cavity, they were currently operating on a patient who was diagnosed with breast cancer, normally she was joined by Addison for the surgery along with Mark who reconstructs the breast after the tumour removal but right now it was only her with Mark waiting in the background waiting for her to finish so he could start.

"Isn't Webber calling you a lot to his office?" Mark asked, his voice muffled due to his mask.

"Just shut up, I am almost done here, you could take it from here, right?"

"Of course I can but tell me why is Richard calling you so often?" All the nurses seemed to be interested in the conversation between the two.

"Mark, it's none of your business,"

"Oh, come on, you know how nosy I am," 

Renee found herself in front of Richard, Tina and Davis for the second time that day, she wasn't exactly sure as to why they had called her as they seemed to have made their decision very clear, Tina and Davis were talking amongst themselves.

"We have decided to let you go through fostering for the baby girl," 

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