Chapter 19

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Kylo's P.O.V

Ever since I've left Ahmorada and Elora, I've been immersed in this project. Finding the map to Luke Skywalker, we've received word that it's on the desert planet Jakku but we aren't entirely certain.  

I and a few other leaders assembled around a table discussing ways we could retrieve the map. I sensed intense nervousness in the room, that was normally the case whenever I attended these meetings. They knew that with just one wrong word or action, their lives would be over just as fast and I held no shame towards my aggression. That was the way of the dark side, intense emotion and aggression are what made me choose the dark over everything.

Except for Elora of course. Something about that woman had control over me, when she was kidnapped and taken a month ago I couldn't sleep, eat, or very much think without knowing she was okay. It drove me crazy to know I had a soft spot for her, she did as well for me and I knew it. Even before it was no secret of who I used to be, Elora had feelings for me.

"Commander Kylo Ren, we've just received a hologram of great importance for you." My thoughts were interrupted by a young man, he could've been an intern or a new worker but it was no secret he was new. I immediately stood "We will proceed when I return." I heard no protests to my request.

I went into a more private room to hear the hologram, I started to fear the worse has happened to her. Elora has always had the worst luck, it was no wonder she always had something going wrong in her life. I shut the door and walked over to press play on the message.

Elora's beautiful face appeared, she looked alive and well on the hologram, I was pleased to see her face and hear her voice once again. "Hello Kylo, it's me, Elora." Her little laugh was music to my ears, "I have some.. Concerns. About our contract together for Ahmorada and the First Order." my brows furrowed together. Concerns about our contract? I could hardly believe that seeing as she agreed on everything wholeheartedly. I sensed she was hiding something far greater than our alliance.

"It seems as I will need proper military enforcement for my kingdom as things are getting out of hand. I need you to come and assess the damages and make sure the proper work will be done. Yours truly, Queen Elora." She flashed her sweet smile and before I knew it, it was gone. I replayed the message over and over a few more times to see the small hidden details. I knew something wasn't right, it couldn't have all been about the alliance.

After I was satisfied with my observations I exited the room. I was soon met with a short spineless bastard, General Hux had seemed to be waiting for me to get out. "I stopped the meeting fifteen minutes after you left. Your presence wasn't required so I figured we could go ahead." He smiled menacingly at me, General Hux was only the First Order's brainless puppet. "I want my TIE fighter ready for taking off in thirty minutes, I have work that needs to be done." I loomed over the red headed imbecile, "In Ahmorada? Is it that fool of a 'Queen' again? What has she got into now." Hux chuckled and crossed his arms. 

I had enough of his smart mouthed remarks, I grabbed him by his collar and threw him against the wall. "Put me down this instant, you man child!" The passing by stormtroopers stopped and waited to see what would happen next. Hux was scared, I could feel and hear his cowardly thoughts. I smiled to myself and dropped him to the ground, "You'll think about how you speak to me next time. Get my TIE ready for taking off, I'm leaving soon." he sat looking up at me with anger in his eyes. A cowardly man was not worth my time.

I arrived in Ahmorada with great haste, the skies, and the atmosphere was still as dark and desolate as I remembered. I landed and was instantly greeted by Elora, she was alone and in a dark cloak with the hood up as if she was trying to conceal her identity. She hugged me and whispered "We can't talk here, wait until we get in my office." and we pulled apart.

We walked through the large empty castle in silence, "It's so quiet, I'm so used to seeing this place bustling with people." I said as I looked around. She let out a sigh, "Yes, a lot of people have left recently due to all of the crime and poverty. Some to surrounding planets and others to different kingdoms." I could hear the sadness in her voice. I could tell Elora was lonely just like I could tell there was a different reason for my arrival.

We soon came across her office, she sat in the chair at her desk and I took off my mask while sitting in the seat across from her. "There's something going on around here, I don't feel safe in my own home. Or rather what's left of my home." She looked into my eyes, her once vibrant purple orbs were now a dull shade of lavender. Elora looked like she hasn't slept or had any rest whatsoever in weeks. "I knew you didn't want to meet about the alliance... What's going on?" I sat back and listened to what she had to say.

Elora explained the mysterious happenings such as forgeries of her name to having little to no security around her castle. She told me about her suspicions with Azura as well as Nala beginning to stick up for him and not really helping her out either. All of this made no sense to me, I've always had strong suspicions about the General and his mysteries but I would've never thought that he'd ever been capable of something like this. "I didn't know what to do so I called you. Please Kylo, you have to help me.. I'm not safe here." I had sympathy for the woman in front of me. To be a target in your own kingdom much less your own home must've been very hard. 

"You know nothing will happen to you on my watch, Elora." I stood from my seat and walked over to her, I wanted to embrace her and show her that everything was going to be ok. She stood as well and we hugged, "I need you to know that I will protect you, no matter what it takes. You will be okay." her grip around me became tighter.

I knew I had to protect her, I would do everything in my power to keep her safe. 

No matter the cost.

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