Chapter 4

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Kylo's P.O.V

As we landed on Ahmorada I looked around curiously, I had never seen a planet so beautiful in my life.

"Who are we meeting here?" I asked General Hux, "The King died two weeks ago so his widow is being crowned this weekend, it's somewhat of a festival Ren, enjoy yourself." He replied smugly. Oh, how I wanted to use my lightsaber and strike that ugly smirk off his face. 

"I said who, what's her name." I began to get agitated and we had only just got here. We loaded off the ship, "Elaina... Lana... Elora that's it, her name is Queen Elora." He said as we walked down the ivory walkway to the castle.

That name brought many memories back.

I knew a girl named Elora once, a long time ago when I trained with my uncle Luke on the ways of the force. She was my first love, it's been years since I thought about her. I always tried to suppress those memories of her big purple eyes and her beautiful tan skin.

I shook those thoughts from my head as we waited in line to enter, I growled in anger "How long will this take? I thought this was professional?" I asked losing my patience. "Oh calm down you man child" Hux scolded, I had half the mind to strangle him right there. "Act civilized Ren." He reminded me as we got closer.

That's when I saw her...

Elora from my childhood, she was beautiful. Way more beautiful than she was when we were teenagers.

As we neared closer I got to fully analyze her, it was no mistake that she was my Elora. I've never seen anyone with that shade of purple eyes before, I smiled under my mask at all the fond memories I had of my childhood sweetheart. As we came to her I straightened up but studied her very intensely as she spoke.

Her voice was elegant, it was no surprise that she had become Queen of such a beautiful place that matched her so well. She had really blossomed into a gorgeous woman.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Hux's walk forward, "It was nice meeting you, Commander Ren." I heard her sweet voice call out to me, I couldn't let her get suspicious and have my reputation ruined. "I wish I could say the same." I smartly replied instantly regretting the words.

"Rude asshole." I heard the girl from beside her say as they snickered, 'You deserved that.' I reminded myself as Hux guided us to our breakfast table.

The whole morning my eyes never left her, I watched as she graciously moved around and socialized with the guests.

I still couldn't believe that after all these years she was here, right in front of me. But I could never show her my face, or even show her that it's me. Her loving Ben that had destroyed her home years before.

After Breakfast, we all dispersed to our separate rooms for the weekend. I spent the whole day until dinner laying in bed just in my black spandex pants and shirt. I looked at the ceiling thinking of past memories and people, slowly drifting into a well-needed sleep.

I was awakened by a trooper hours later, I dismissed it and began putting my armor on and hooking my saber on my hip. We patiently sat at our dinner table waiting for the Queen and the General.

General Azura had told us that Elora was looking for an alliance with the First Order seeing that not many leaders would like seeing a woman in charge. I thought it was complete bullshit but not many people are as intelligent as me.

When she arrived I couldn't take my eyes off of her, I was lost in my own little galaxy with Elora as the star of it.

I looked through her mind and I saw she was scared shitless, I could also tell that she had no idea of an alliance with us. I chuckled to myself at how naive she had turned, couldn't she see who the General really was?

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