Chapter 1

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I looked over at my husband on his death bed...

5 months, that's all it took for the terrible infection to take over and slowly paralyze him over time. He had contracted this illness in his week-long expedition in Ahmorada's famous Crystal forest from inhaling the powder of a poisonous flower. There was nothing the doctors could do, no one had ever seen this before.

I wiped the sweat beading on my poor Xander's forehead and sighed, "My love, I hate seeing you like this. I wish I could've stopped you from going on that trip." I said pushing back his black hair. He was a handsome man, bright green eyes, pale skin, and raven black hair.

He shook his head lightly, "It's.. No ones.. Fault but.. mine." He struggled to get out. It was hard seeing the man I love go through this, sometimes I'd find myself laying in bed at night praying for his pain to be over. Don't get me wrong, I love Xander. He's everything to me, he saved me from a life of poverty and turned me into his Queen but I just wish for his pain to be over soon.

My name is Elora, Queen of the planet Ahmorada. Unlike all of the other Queens before me, I wasn't born into royalty. My mother Mari died when I was six and I've never met my father, I was born on Ahmorada but shortly after her death I was sent to live with her old friend Luke Skywalker in his Jedi school of sorts.

There, I was taken very good care of and I helped out by doing simple chores such as the laundry or I helped serve lunch. I wasn't allowed to take part in the training though, I suspect it was that I didn't have the fight in me. I'm more of an intellectual than a fighter, it's always been that way with me. 

I smile at the thought of those days, it's where I met my best friend and first crush. Ben Solo, he was about three years older than me. My first week there was horrible, I cried and cried hours on end for my mother. He first approached me during one of my crying fits, the boy with black curls and warm brown eyes. Ben was always sweet to me, I remember we would always sneak out to the fields.

We laid out for hours talking and looking up into the sky, those are the memories I cherish the most of those days.

I was snapped back into reality by my husbands harsh coughs, I quickly grabbed his water glass and helped him drink. He closed his eyes and was carried away by sleep. I sighed and walked over to the couch and started reading where I left off on "The History of Ahmorada Vol. 2".

Xander died two weeks later from the complications that came with his infection.

I sat in my room brushing out my long black hair in preparation for my husbands funeral. The maids had already laid out what I was to wear for the funeral, a ceremonial blue gown with amethyst embellishments. "Your majesty, are you sure you don't want my assistance to help you get ready?" My lady-in-waiting Nala asked me. I shook my head, "I'd like to be alone Nala, you may be excused for now." I quietly told her while clipping half of my hair into a pin.

She nodded and left the room, I looked into the huge mirror in front of me in my glazed over violet eyes. Everyone from Ahmorada had bright colored eyes, they could either be green, icy blue, or a magnificent shade of purple which matched our sky. Ahmorada is a beautiful planet, with purple skies and pastel pink clouds. Our beaches have orange sand and the water is a cool shade of blue.

'I'm very lucky to be Queen of such a place.' I thought to myself.

I quickly did my makeup to look more presentable to the public, I brushed an iridescent purple shadow on my lids and applied a taupe lipstick. After that I stepped into my gown and slipped on the matching blue slippers.

While walking over to my mirror, I grabbed my silver crown encrusted with sapphires and amethysts.

I checked over my appearance and slowly placed the crown on my head.

I sighed remembering that I promised myself I wouldn't cry, I couldn't cry.

'A Queen doesn't show weakness.' I repeated to myself over and over again as I walked through the corridors of my palace. I finally reached to the throne room and was greeted by General Azura, he was my husbands second in command.

"Elora, you look beautiful." He exclaimed loudly and strode over to me kissing my cheek. I smiled lightly, "I greatly appreciate your kindness General, shall we get on now?" I asked and he nodded.

He escorted me to my royal carriage and we rode in silence to the Sacred Temple where all the kings before Xander were buried. When we arrived I was greeted by many of the mourning Ahmoradan people, it was then I realized how much my dear Xander meant to our people.

I took a deep breath and was escorted by General Azura inside the temple that was filled with many unfamiliar faces. As we walked down the long aisle it reminded me of my wedding day, I smiled slightly to myself remembering the beautiful events of that day.

I was quickly shaken out of my memories from the sight of my husband in his ceremonial suit that matched mine. The mortician did amazing at making him look presentable, I walked up to the glass casket and placed my hand on his cold cheek.

A tear threatened to spill from my eye and I quickly blinked it away remembering the promise that I made. "I could've done something to help him.." I whispered to the General and he shook his head "He insisted on going Elora, it was nothing we could've done" he reminded me and I sighed while closing my eyes.

I sat on my bench next to the General and Nala, she had just lost her husband a year ago to cancer so she knew how I felt and what I needed to hear. Over the span of the next three hours I shook hands and heard the long speeches that many of his "friends" had prepared for him. It was a very tiresome experience, at the end I was escorted back to the carriage with Nala by my side.

She was a very beautiful woman, she had icy blue eyes, dark skin, and short curly black hair. She looked like a normal Ahmoradan woman, I leaned on her shoulder as we drove back to the palace.

There I was greeted by many different types of people, we were a neutral planet which meant that we had no part in the Resistance or First Order that plagued our galaxy. Even though we had countless different invitations to join on both sides, we declined. The Ahmoradans are peaceful people, we do not take part in any war that would cost our people's lives.

I sat at the table while everyone took part in conversation and ate. I was too sad to eat so I sat there, lost in a cloud of my own thoughts. After about thirty minutes or so, I excused myself to my chambers and left to my room. As soon as my door shut the loneliness immediately overtook me, I slid down my cold door and cried.

Hi guys! I hope you all enjoyed this first chapter, I wanted to give you a bit of information on Ahmorada and what I envisioned it to be like. Stay tuned and read more about Elora and how she comes to know Kylo!

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