Chapter 13

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Elora's P.O.V

There I was.

Chained to Gildred's throne like some dog.

Like I was a feral creature who needed to be kept under supervision or else I'd run throughout this forsaken castle and kill every last resident of Tradion in a heartbeat.

I was shaken from my thoughts by a gruff wretched voice, "Little Elora... It seems as your planet has not sent any agreement to me. There are only three hours left, little pet." Gildred bent down to my level, his foul breath seeping its way through my nostrils made me light-headed. 

"It's going to be fun destroying the Ahmoradan's. I'll save you for last my little pet." Gildred laughed and pat my head.

This was the ultimate act that pushed me off the edge. Without a second thought, I collected all of the saliva that was in my mouth and spit right on his big nose.

I saw red in his eyes as he wiped it off and looked at me with such anger and hatred. He raised his giant hand and slapped me across the face with all his might.
It caused me to whip around and I fell to the ground clutching my stinging cheek.
It felt as if my face was on fire, I've never been stuck in my life.

I could barely collect my thoughts before he grabbed my hair in his fist and yanked me up.
"You forget! You're not a Queen on this planet. Or any planet for that matter, not in a few hours anyway." Gildred said smiling and he threw me to the ground.

A tear slipped from my eye.
Even though my cheek was burning and my scalp was sore from the recent abuse, I refused to show any weakness.

He had humiliated me enough.

I sat down and obeyed my captor.
I knew help was coming, I could feel it deep in my soul. Relishing in the fact that Gildred's head would soon be on a pike.

Kylo's P.O.V

After the conference, I quickly set aboard my command shuttle and got in contact with General Hux.
"I'm going to retrieve the Queen myself, these things are so primitive I doubt they have the technology to see I've landed on their planet. After I get the Queen, I will contact you to send in a few troops. I want every last one of them dead." I sternly told him my course of action.

He laughed, "You know Ren, it's as if you hold a higher rank than me. If this Queen wasn't useful to us then I'd let her rot on Tradion." his words made me clench my fist in anger and I immediately shut off the communication and I took off my helmet so I could easily see around me. I was also prepared to fulfill the promise I made to myself while on Ahmorada.

She was still alive, I knew that.
I could only hope that she wasn't injured or that no one scarred her beautiful face.

Sure, Hux and the first order had their own reasons to make an alliance with Ahmorada. Although I agreed with the reasons, I still had mine too.
I had to bring Elora back safe and sound, she couldn't die so young. I wouldn't allow her the same fate as her husband.

It only took me an hour to reach Tradion, I checked the time and it was approximately three and a half hours before Ahmorada's time to make a decision.

I wondered what Azura's motives were for making such a quick response to the ransom as if it wasn't a big deal. It only added to my suspicion that something was off about the General, I made a mental note to look into him more and to have a talk with Elora after I've seen that she's ok.

I entered the planet's atmosphere and before I knew it, I was landing on a desolate field that looked like it was on an abandoned planet.

The force was my guide through the dead field to where Elora was held captive.
I didn't walk far. Before I knew it, I came in contact with an older but smaller castle, it had dirty and discolored stone bricks lining the wall covered with vines. I could tell that no one takes good care of anything around here, but it didn't surprise me.

I walked closer to the castle to determine if and how many guards were around. I visually only saw two outside and picked up only two life forces.
I wondered why there was such a small amount of guards outside if they had the Queen captured inside.

It was all suspicious to me.

The guards were at the front of the entrance talking and paying no mind to their surroundings. As I got close, I realized how ugly these bandits really were.
I could only imagine the fear Elora had when she woke up surrounded by these creatures.

I was on the other side of the castle. Only a few feet away were the guards and the entrance. I decided to have no mercy with these things who captured Elora and probably tortured her, in the back of my mind I had hoped that was all they did.

I walked up fearlessly and immediately caught their attention. Before they could even speak, I had control of their mind. "You will step aside and let me pass with no trouble." I had a monotoned but hushed voice, "Yes, you can go inside and we won't give you any trouble." their voice was rough and scratchy.

"Also, you two should get back to fighting to the death. It was awfully amusing." I said mischievously and walked by hearing the clash of metal and grunts. I smiled to myself as I walked into the castle.

I will make them pay, they'll all pay.


I'm so sorry for the late update! I was so busy yesterday that I sort of forgot, I promise to keep doing regular updates so expect one today as well!

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