Chapter 16

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Elora's P.O.V

I sat at my large vanity mirror while Nala graciously did my hair in my infamous braid. I looked into my violet eyes and searched for just a small spark, nothing came forth from my search. My spirits and my soul had been crushed since the events that took place that led to my kingdoms demise.

"Your majesty? What's troubling you?" Nala asked as she stepped back and admired her work. I placed the jeweled crown on my head, it's all I had left that reminded me that I was still a Queen. "I've just... I Felt lost recently. I'm just completely.. Blank? If that even makes sense." I chuckled nervously and repeatedly rung out my lavender-colored handkerchief in my hands, "Elora, you cannot do this to yourself. You're the strongest woman I know, you can get over anything." Nala walked over to my closet and appeared again with my black cloak that bared the royal seal.

I stood as she helped me put it on, she was always helpful. Ever since the day she became my lady-in-waiting she has been nothing but gracious and self-less with me. "Nala? You're my best friend. Perhaps one of the only people I can trust." She smiled and looked down at her feet, "I'm serious Nala... This is why I'd like to offer you an advance in your position, seeing how helpful you are to me since.." I gulped and looked down as tears brimmed in my eyes. "Since Xander's death, there's no one else I'd offer the position as my right hand." Nala smiled and accepted the position almost immediately.

Thirty minutes later, Nala, Kylo Ren, and myself were being led around the ruins of what was once the great kingdom of Ahmorada by a shopkeeper by the name of Rio, he owned a prominent shoe shop in the more prestigious part of the kingdom which was ransacked by the bandits. The sky was still a horrid shade of a greyish purple, it was a drab change from the normal lavender skies. I owed this change of color from the smoke of the city when it was caught on fire.

We walked past the bodies of the dead, I didn't look as citizens scooped up the bodies and piled them in the back of carriages. "The graveyards are full... We've had no choice but to start mass graves." Rio said as he looked on and continued walking, "Mass graves? These people deserve memorials, no?" I was upset, my people did not deserve to go out this way. "Your majesty, with all due respect. We do not have any space for the bodies, many were left either homeless or dead. The injured are overrunning our hospitals, there's nothing we can do." Rio's voice was full of emotion.

We proceeded and some of the soldiers were giving the homeless food and water. I smiled, not because I was happy but because this gave me hope that with the help of my people this kingdom will flourish again one day. I and Nala stopped for a moment to help the soldiers hand out food while Kylo watched alongside Rio. I was very grateful that he agreed to accompany me on this trip, maybe he even may decide to help rebuild...

After helping with distributing food and water, Rio took us to the new "hospitals" that the doctors and nurses made in order to help as many people as they could and to save lives. There were numerous large tan tents scattered all throughout the fields just on the outskirts of town. What was once a peaceful and quiet field full of lavenders and dandelions was now a busy bustling area dedicated to housing the injured and dying.

We walked through rows and rows of the injured, me and Nala offered our condolences and pledged to help in any way we possibly could. Kylo stood in the back silently watching, maybe he wasn't used to picking up the pieces that were broken. Maybe he was only used to wreaking havoc instead of helping to fix it. We soon encountered the tent of injured soldiers and my heart instantly broke. These were the men who tried their best to save my people and me in the horrific event that had only happened almost two weeks ago and their efforts were in vain.

I sat with a soldier who was there when everything happened, he remembered when the ships littered the skies and when they spilled out onto Ahmoradan soil. He remembers seeing the sacred temple being incinerated when the disfigured bandits ran amuck causing chaos and murder. My eyes were filled to the brim with tears, it was so hard to process all of this information being brought to my attention so suddenly...

I felt so small, so insignificant as a leader. How could I have let this happen? I left the tents and made my way back to the kingdom with Kylo and Nala. My voice needed to be heard, I had a strong gust of courage that was needed just in time. Before I knew it, I stood among many of my loyal citizens. Their clothing was tattered or burned and their faces were dirty and covered in soot. "Everyone! For what it's worth, I'm so sorry that I wasn't a better leader for you all." The tears began to flow and Nala touched my arm in support, "Although there is nothing that could replace your stolen or broken possessions or bring back your loved ones, I will do anything that's left in my power to rebuild this kingdom to its former glory! No matter the consequences." my citizens clapped and smiled.

I was bombarded by handshakes and hugs, these acts of gratefulness helped warm my broken heart. I helped out in any way I could and so did Nala, surprisingly Kylo helped give out some of the food. Even though many civilians were startled by the sight of him, they accepted it graciously.

After we helped out with all we could offer, I headed back to the castle. It was a very quiet trip back, gloom crept over my soul and heart. I ran up to my room and shut the door behind me...

I couldn't help but feel like a failure.

This story is back in action! I've prewritten 30 chapters and will try to release atleast one a day :) I WILL finish this book, no matter what!
Stay tuned! ❤️

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