Chapter 14

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Kylo's P.O.V

I walked through the opened doors of the castle and was met with a putrid smell. For once I cursed myself for not wearing my helmet, that was a first. I looked around and saw that the inside was unkempt and moldy. I needed to get out of there as quickly as possible but not without Elora.

I walked down a long and dusty corridor that was lined with what could be the royal seal of the family that lived here before the bandits took over. It was strange that I never heard of this place until Ahmorada's attack.

I pushed all of the curiosity to the back of my head as I came across a tall doorway that had no door attached to it. I simply walked through and was now in a dimly lit room, the clouds covering the sky outside did not help either.

I looked around and detected a heartbeat, I hoped it was her.

As I followed the trail of beats, I noticed a big jagged throne on the wall in the middle and a long chain attached to it.
My eyes followed the chain and to my luck, it was her. She was bound and gagged while lying on the floor.

I immediately rushed over and untied the cloth around her mouth so she could breathe better, her heart was still going but she was unconscious.
I sighed in relief and untied her hands as well as her feet.

Just as I was about to unhook the rusted chain from her neck, I heard a door creak open.

I knew who it was but I didn't care. Just like I knew from the two imbecile guards outside that this whole thing was a trap to set me up. Someone must have told them I was coming, I had the person in mind but I couldn't quite tell.

I didn't care, all I cared about was getting Elora safely away from this planet. I unhooked the chain to her neck but the thick metal ring was still there, at least she could move freely.

I could hear footsteps come into the room and approach me, it wasn't one but six people. Not including me and Elora in the room.

I quickly spun to face my attackers and sent the one closest to me, who was holding a sword in his hand, flying and they hit the front wall of the throne room.
I recognized the obese one as Gildred, I grabbed my lightsaber from its holster and it automatically came on; Filling the room with its magnificent red glow.

"Kylo Ren, we were expecting you." Gildred finally spoke up, his familiar voice sent anger coursing through my veins as I remembered the hologram of Elora. "Yes, I'm sure you were. Either you can comply with my wishes and let me leave this planet unharmed with none of your people killed or injured. Or, you can be difficult and I'll slaughter every last resident of this planet and you will answer to Ahmorada for your crimes against its people." I told him the options.

We glared at each other for a few seconds as he ran the options over in his head and the room filled with his laughter. His men looked at him questionably and soon joined him in his fits of humor.

I cocked my brow up in annoyance, "You're foolish Ren, answer to Ahmorada for my crimes? Don't you know I was asked to do this? Don't you know that Elora is only a puppet for the real rulers of Ahmorada?" Gildred asked and smiled in defiance.

"The real ruler of Ahmorada is Elora, I have no doubt that you were the one who also sent that assassin to kill her during her inauguration, right?" I stepped closer to the men and they raised their weapons. Gildred put his hands up to stop them and they fell back behind their useless king.

He smiled, "Was it me who sent that woman? Or was it someone else? Perhaps, someone closer to the Queen?" He asked in a condescending tone.

He caught me, I was confused with many questions running through my mind. I'd never let it be known that the powerful commander had been left dumbfounded by the evidence of yet another secret betrayal.

I refused to let him lead me on any further, for all I knew he was just toying with me. I'd let no one make a fool of me.
"So which is it, Gildred? Will you let me go with Elora and spare your people and yourself? Or will you make a foolish decision and get everyone on your planet killed but I'll still walk away freely?" I was growing impatient with every lingering second I was around him.

He looked at me smiling, "Take the girl, she's of no use to me anyway. Leave this planet and never return." He and his men stepped to the side and allowed me to leave. I turned my weapon off and put it back into its holster and scooped up Elora. I began to walk towards the doorway, making sure I kept my eye on Gildred and his men.

Before I could exit the throne room Gildred spoke up.
"Oh, I almost forgot. Do say hey to the General for me?" He spoke to me in a cocky manner. I didn't say anything more to him as I left, I was excited to call in my stormtroopers so they could raid this planet and kill every last soul who inhabited it.

I walked to my shuttle with Elora in my arms, the shaking of the walk must've woke her as her eyes fluttered open. "Ben? Is that you?" I almost dropped her right where I stood, I stopped dead in my tracks and looked down into those brilliant colorful eyes. "Ben.. That... That isn't my name anymore, it's me, Kylo." I said to her and she looked into my eyes in shock.

"I'll explain when we get you home, for now, rest." I said to her and waved my hand over her face. She fell into a deep sleep and I soon approached the command shuttle.

I went inside and laid Elora in the back and immediately shut the door and sat in my seat. Immediately, I contacted the Order. "Send in the stormtroopers, I want everyone dead.", the man on the other side agreed. "Yes, Commander." and I shut off all communication.

A million things ran through my mind, I looked in the back to see Elora fast asleep. She was wearing dirty clothes and had a bruise on her cheek.

Then and there, I vowed to never let any harm come to her again.


Double update!!! I really hope you guys like it, this part really kicks off the story! Stay tuned and I promise there will be more to come!
As always, vote, comment, and follow! <3

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