I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth and wash my face while deciding what to do to my hair, I finish and then pull the top half of my hair into a bun and brush the bottom half out, i head over to my closest and pick out some black high wasted leggings and a black sports bra.

"ok I think this is good." I tell myself while looking in the mirror.

I walk over to where I have my makeup and put some concealer on to hide the fact that I have been up all night and put on some mascara. I look in the mirror once again and then run downstairs and grab a piece of paper off the counter to write a note.

hey I know you guys are still probably sleeping but its almost 7 and I'm going on a run, so yay for. exercise. ill be back later!

y/n, love all of you!!

I tape the note to the TV in the living room and sip on the energy drink I got myself, I take out my phone and get a weak endurance quirk to use, then the door bell rings, I rush over and open the door while finishing my drink.

"good morning Y/n, how did you sleep?" Tenya put his hand out.

"good mornin Ten, and umm about that..." I take his hand and we walk down the lawn. "I kinda didn't sleep."

he stops in his tracks.

"WAIT, WHAT?!!" he stares down at me, "Y/n Aizawa that is very unhealthy, how are you even awake right now?!?" he ask frantically.

"I mean I've stayed up longer before but like I just kinda watched TV with my family all night and then they fell asleep and you texted me.." I explain trying to calm him down.

"We need to get you to bed now y/n, we have school in few days and we both need to be at our best." he starts to drag me in the direction of his house.

"your right, but my house is right there if you wanted to come in?" I ask while rubbing my eyes.

"will your dad be ok with that?" he stops and looks at me.

"I mean not if he finds out." I yawn and then realize Tenya is wearing a tight white t shirt and navy blue sweat pants, immediately making me blush.

"ok if you say so, aren't you cold y/n?" he asks concerned.

"I mean a little..." I tell him and then a pair of strong arms around me, Tenya is hugging me while walking!!!! "thank you tenya."

"lets get you into your house so you can sleep." he says with a very serious expression.

he opens the door and is hit with the rock music playing low in the background and the dark walls.

"its very dark in here, I can barely see." he informs.

"really, its kinda always like this in the mornings or night." I pull away from him and walk over to the TV taking off the note I wrote and throwing it in the trash.

"what was that?" Tenya asks while squinting his eyes to try and see better.

"I'm just taking down the note I wrote telling them I would be on a run, and don't you have your glasses?" I tilt my head and walk back over to him.

"no I don't, unfortunately, I didn't them flying off while running." he explains.

"hmm, that makes since, do you want to go upstairs now?" I ask.

"there's stairs??" he asks in total confusion.

"yea, I guess you can't see them." I grab his hand and slowing bring him up the stairs so he doesn't trip.

"thank you y/n." he kisses my forehead and puts an arm around my waist and we both blush.

"this way is my room." I tell him.

we walk into my room and his eyes go wide..

"y/n your room is very cool, I like the posters and the lighting." he stares at some of my posters.

"aww thank Tenya, that means a lot, do you mind if I change into something more comfortable?" I look over at him just staring at my posters.

"No, no, not at all, but you need to get to sleep, it is seriously not good for you to be up this long." he does a series of air chops.

"ok ill be right back, make yourself comfortable." I smile at him, and walk into my closet closing the door behind me, I pull out my phone and look at the time, its 7:30. Nem and Zashi are leaving at 8 and dad will probably sleep until the after noon.

I put a baggy sweatshirt over my sports bra and then take off my leggings and put some loose shorts on.

I walk out to see Tenya on my bed still staring at the posters.

the red LED lighting on his face and his highlighting every contour of his face and his white shirt is tinted red and clinging his abs with red shadow.

"you look really hot in the lighting Tenya." I think out loud and put a hand over my mouth with a shocked look on my face.

"wow y/n, thank you but you might just be hallucinating, you have been awake for a very long time," he sits up, "but thank you." Tenya blushes heavily.

"no I'm not hallucinating, Tenya you are very attractive." I walk over to him being serious.

"Y/n you need sleep." he also is serious.

"I know but, can you stay with me? Like till I wake up?" I ask innocently while getting under the covers.

"that would be nice, I just have to call Tensei and let him know, so he doesn't come looking for me." he kicks his legs out on the bed.

"ok." I say tiredly.

"and come to think of it I'm a little tired too, do you mind if I take a nap here with you?" he rubs the back of his neck.

"of course Tenya!!" I jump up and throw my arms over his shoulders.

"thank you, I hope it didn't sound too inappropriate of me." he says hugging me back and then pulling away to get under the covers as well.

"I just have to call Tensei." he says while still sitting up, resting his back on the pillow as I lay there next to him with my face on the pillows looking up at him.

he pulls out his phone and then puts it to his ear,

"Hello Tensei, I'm just calling to tell you I'm at y/n's and ill probably be here for a couple hours..." he continues and then I hear chuckling coming from the phone. "No, brother we are not doing anything of that sort!! we are just hanging out." he retorts. "ok i'll be home later... bye." he puts his phone back into his pocket.

"that was interesting," I giggle

"I'm sorry about him, he can be very immature sometimes." he apologizes.

"no you're fine, it's just funny." I smile.

"you seriously need sleep." he says firmly.

"yea..," he starts to lay down and then I remember that I have to tell him about Nem and Mic. "Hey before we both fall asleep I just want you to know if you hear anyone coming to my room wake me up and ill use my quirk or something.."

"how long do we have." he asks cautiously.

"until like 2 or 3 in the after noon but my aunt and uncle will be leaving for work soon." I yawn

"ohh ok, I would say good night but it is the morning, but sleep well y/n." he pulls the cover over him and lays on his side.

"thank you Ten, and you too." I smile and then kiss him on the cheek and then turn away from him.

I feel his arms snake around my waist and then he pulls me closer to him and rest his head in the crook of my neck, I smile and blush, I start to hear small snores coming from his chest and I let out a sigh.

I then start to drift asleep myself.

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