Catharsis And Carry On

Start from the beginning

Ohm walked back into the room and checked the time. It was just after 3. The kids had until 4. He sat next to Noh and tapped him on the shoulder.

"What did you want us to do? Is that a song?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Ohm gaped. He lightly smacked Noh who immediately smacked back, his reflexes as sharp as ever.

"Why are you hitting me back?! Your the one who forgot you wrote something and gave it to Dye! What do you want him to do with it?"

"Oh! Nothing. It was just something I had to get off my chest. I feel really light now. Give me the paper." He took the outstretched notebook and ripped it off casually. They others watched as he folded it up and rested it under his phone. "I need a diary of something. I can't keep burdening you guys and P_people in general. Secret is a good listener too, but he's taking on too much. Anyway, when we get back home let's have a group talk."

"Ok. As long as Secret can come." Ohm agreed just as casually. If anyone noticed the rare almost slip, no one said anything. Dove wasn't even paying attention to them but he was close enough to listen in so it was always better to be safe.

"Sure. He's the Silent Sixth after all."

"Can I take one line from that thing?"

"This? Sure. Knock yourself out." Noh said. At the same time Ohm whipped his head over and demanded, "What line?"

"The one that says My heart beats in rhythm to your voice. I want to use that."

Ohm tried to remember that line but the others were overwhelming him too much. His shook his head to clear his thoughts then grabbed the paper and opened it. He needed to read the stuff again. He focused on the first word only and tried to clear his head. Ever... Ever... This word swam around until it was just black text on a soft white background. Finally, he read every word. His head shoved out all the ones he didn't want to deal with. He was good at that. It retained the gems that were workable. 

Ever I running in place, my dreams in the distance keeping pace.

Ever I reaching beyond my place, struggling to break your moral gates

This Golden egg, no goose in sight, oppressed dignity, exposed plight

A mighty heart so willing to fight, A future robbed before seeing light

Is that my forever my place in life? Can't I reach beyond my sight?

The words rearranged themselves, and they surely would again. It was not an Elevation type lyric but they had many songs written they could easily shop around to other places.

Ohm flipped over the paper and was about to jot on it when Noh took it away and gave him the notebook. He didn't say anything but wrote, and kept writing. Ever I became a song of struggle, and reaching beyond what is already there to grasp the uncertainty of this thing called future. It was all wrapped up in dreams and goals and visions of greatness faced by a persona that wasn't even sure if it could live to see the next second. Unborn, or more like, untouched. It wrapped everything up in a ball of frustration that seemed to form a circle.

"How can you rise if you don't have what you need, yet you need these things to rise."

"This is what we're feeling right now. The next time we write Ever I  it will be different. It will be a song of achievement and then we can use it. I'll revisit this in a few weeks." Ohm ripped out the paper as everyone nodded at him. The door opened and Mick popped his head in.

"Everyone, can I have your attention? This is P'Fern. He will be working with me from now on. He was sent by the university. P these are the members of Elevation and this is Dove who has been working with them with dance."

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