Another Kind of Reunion

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Phun and Per were sitting in the living room/kitchen when Noh walked in. He gaped as he watched them play video games and knew the damn nastiness called Ohm had let them in, joined him for an exam, and hadn't said a word.

"What the hell! When did you get here? Scratch that. Why didn't you call me?"

"I did. Ohm answered so I rolled with that." Phun answered without looking away from the game. Per only hissed.

"You finished your exams?"


"Did you get the media pass?"

"Have it packed."

"Ok. I'm going to go sleep off this last test so check me if you need anything."

"K. Love you. Later." And just like that Noh was forgotten again as Phun gave the game his all. Per hadn't even looked up and why would he. Noh held zero interest to him.

Movement on the bed woke Noh and he turned with a groan. He felt like he hadn't slept in days and someone had woken him up way too early.

"It's ok. Go back to sleep."

"What time is it?" He grumbled out then snuggled into Phun.

"Only five. I have jet lag. Food in the fridge for you."

"Ok." They both feel asleep this time.

Noh woke at two in the morning and blinked. His stomach gave another rumble and he sighed. He got up, brushed the fuzz off his teeth and went into the kitchen. Phun had said something about food in the fridge.

He saw the large salad and the meat and smiled. He had changed his diet to suit a more active lifestyle. He still ate rice and noodles, just not in the large quantities he used too and he had more salads and veges now. He wasn't giving up his deserts though.

He sat to eat when Phun came wondering out.

"Hey. Where's Per?"

"He went out with Ohm. That guy has more energy than I can handle." Phun actually sat on Noh's lap and buried his face in Noh's neck. Noh shifted his bowl and kept eating as Phun just rested.

"Talked to your mom last night. She asked me what my plans were for the holidays. I didn't tell her I was coming home. I didn't tell my mom either. They were kind of disappointed to put it mildly." He offered out of his dinner but Phun shook his head.

"Mom asked me too and I told her I was stopping by to see you then coming home next week. I didn't say anything about Friday."

"We are shitty son's surprising our mom's like that."

Phun chuckled. He eased off Noh's lap and stretched. He looked around and smiled. "This place is pretty good. So how are you feeling?"

"Like I permanently need to take a crap or like my blood sugar levels are low or like I want to barf. We're signing a contract Phun."

"I signed mine already. It was very straightforward. Dad and I talked about it first."

"Shit." Noh thumped his chest a few times to get his heart beating again. "I saw a copy. Once we come out, your position will be reassessed or whatever. I can't even find my words right now. Phun. I am so scared and nervous. I did all my exams in a fugue state. I actually went to my adviser and asked if there was a way for me to take them over. He just looked at me with a smile and said I did great as always. Like, he doesn't understand. I am loosing half of my mind here and the other half is in La La Land following the yellow brick road."

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