The Night Before...

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The trip to the doctor provided a positive prognosis about Noh's leg but he still stressed that Noh needed to rest and let his foot heal. 

Mick had also informed them that over 10 million viewers had tuned in to P'Tear's show that night which was his highest number to date. He also informed that subbers had readily supplied P'Tear with several language subs for that showing so he now had the record of the live up in English, Indonesian, Korean, Spanish, and Chinese Mandarin with the subber's names carefully placed on the videos. 

Noh had simply blinked. He felt a little overwhelmed. Their most popular video had only half that number. He should check YouTube now to see if that had changed.

P'Tear was one of the few that whet live on LineTV and Youtube at the same time. He caught a lot of international views like this where LineTV was restricted. As a result, he was one of the few who did have an international fan base for his show. Noh liked his show because he liked to watch the games and because P'Tear was very respectful with his questioning. Not everyone was willing to respect their guest decision to not answer certain questions and he didn't spring any questions about secrets that would blindside his guests. 

"Hey Noh," Ohm said from the couch at Phun's house. It was Old Years and Phun's place could comfortably hold everyone because of the eight guest rooms. Noh's place only had two and he didn't feel like stretching his parents to the limit especially since Phun would have been at his place as well.

"Yeah?" No looked up from his twitter feed. He was currently liking and reposting some messages and having a twitter war with Dye and Secret over which Big Bang song is the best. Clearly it was Fantastic Baby.

"Remember those videos you told me to check?"

"Yeah. Talk quick, I need to sway the fans to my side here. Dye has them but Phun is stealing points."

"Yeah well our views will make you forget about that. FTSS hit 50 million views this morning. It was 49 before I went to bed. I checked and took note and it's not even the most popular one. Pieces Left Behind has 93 million views."

"The fuck you say?!" Noh was frozen in shock. There was no way they would be having that many views in such a short amount of time.

"You heard me. A lot of comments from different languages. People saying that the fb international fan page brought them here. Some are streaming us in time for the release of the mini albums. Some are seeing us for the first time. Noh. New Years is in a couple of hours and they might get Pieces to 100 million views."

Noh just stared at Ohm in absolute shock. The High Risers were surprising him at every turn. He swallowed then got up and hurried to the bathroom. He shut the door and with shaky hands washed his face. 100 million views was a big deal. A huge deal for him. Pieces Left behind had taken over a year just to get 50 million views and was their most popular video. FTSS was only audio but even that one did well with 20 million in over a year. 

Phun quietly posted the video of everyone's shocked faces as they listened to Ohm. He caught Dye's gasp loud and clear too as he had been right next to him. He simply captioned the post with Look at how much power you have. #HighRisers. 

Then he went to check on Noh.

He found him looking into the mirror and muttering to himself. Phun wrapped his arms around Noh and kissed him softly in his hair then on the cheek. He waited for Noh to speak.

"What do I say to them Phun? How do I tell them thank you? I want to but I can't think of the best way. I love them so much. Without them, we wouldn't be Elevation. What do I do?"

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