Secret Time

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Elevation returned from the press conference with mixed feelings. Flex was the least concerned. He figured people would simply adjust. Noh was the most concerned because he felt guilty.

"I'm sorry that I caused this guys." Noh suddenly said in the middle of the hallway, on the way back to the waiting room.

"Caused what?" Ex asked with a surprised face.

"This whole protest thing and what not. I sh_"

"Stop. Stop right there. You didn't do anything. Listen to me. These people think they know you and they want to put you in a box and close the lid because in their opinion, your a fake. Are you a fake gay?"

"Huh?" That last question made them all look at Ex.

"Just answer the question. Are you a fake gay?"

"No." Noh shook his head for emphasis. He was with Phun and that wasn't fake. To deny being gay was to deny Phun. He had come to that conclusion at some point in his life.

"Good. Then who gives a shit. They can march all they want and spend all day making signs and shit. I hope they bring us more attention and more people listen to our music and like it. They need to raise our sales, thanks." Ex said then started forward while Noh just blinked at him. 

Turning to Ohm, Noh gave him a look. Ohm shrugged and followed Ex, declaring the conversation was done so Noh sighed and followed them, letting everything go.

Everyone paused after entering the waiting room. Mr. Sou was there with Mr. Kim. The man's face didn't say much and for a second Noh felt his heart sink before he remembered that he hadn't done anything wrong.

"Good afternoon. You startled us. We weren't expecting you to come." Noh walked forward and wai to Mr. Kim.

"Well I didn't want to miss your first press conference. Impressive job despite the surprises you received." Mr. Kim suddenly broke into a grin. "And might I add the views on your video are growing by the hour. Your trending in 13 countries including the US."

"Wow! That's_ Wait what?! The US!?" Ohm did a double take while the rest of the band was just speechless.

"Yep. Apparently you have underestimated the influence of Sempai Mel. Just her fan sites have millions of followers. Recently she started a fanfic called Secret Lover. She linked both the interviews and your new single in the chapters. She released a new chapter just this morning. It was rather steamy I'm told. Many people watched or listened to your video as a result."

"So let me get this strait. Mel starred the band in one of her latest fanfics and now we're known internationally?"

"She starred you and Secret in her fanfic. It's loosely based on your story but she's changed things sufficiently that it could really be anyone if she didn't have that disclaimer up. She posts her stories on every forum that she can access here and internationally. Not only that but she has them in several languages. She's a smart girl with an efficient team. I'm scared of her frankly."

"Me too." Noh said easily then just sat down and took it all in. 

"She's bringing in the bulk of your attention but she's not the only one. We debuted just in time because Billboard was here today and they are doing an article on new bands to watch on the Asian market. I've been given the insider heads up and your number one on the list with Nocturne as second only because they have rebranded themselves and have changed their concept drastically. It's a good thing thought. Their current concept is much more well received by fans.."

There was a silence so profound, a cricket didn't dare chirp. Mr. Kim smirked in that silence before turning and walking out. Mr. Sou took one look at the five stunned faces, turned and walked out too.

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