Some Doubts and Concerns

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"What do you want?"

"Really Phun? Your so mean to me. Can't you talk more swee_"

"Make it quick." He interrupted her. "I have to leave."

"When are you going to go out with me?"

"Have a nice evening."

"Stop. I_ I want to meet Noh. I want to ask him about the industry. This is a great chance since he's here and you know him." Phun blinked. Noh had been right there. Why hadn't she just asked him?

"Well you just missed him but I'll ask him on your behalf and maybe you can can meet with him on Saturday before the event. I'll see what I can do." And Phun walked away quickly while she was still surprised with his cooperation.

Afrodite stared at his back in shock. Phun was actually doing something for her? Did that mean he liked her? Wait. Noh had been here? Where? She thought about it and realized he had been the guy who had stood with Film and Per. She rushed out but they were already gone. She didn't do adorable and P'Noh was definitely that but for him she would make a sacrifice. 

"Afrodite? Are you finished talking with Phun?" Her entourage questioned as she moved to meet them. She always traveled with at least 4 girls when she went anywhere. 

"Yes. All of you know Elevation right? I have zero interests in them but I know when a man has the hots for me. Tell me all you can about Noh. I need to have him under my control. He just might be my ticket to greatness."


Noh looked at Phun when he got in the car. He seemed ok so Noh decided not to worry, That is, until he said: "Dite wants to talk to you about the music industry. I suggested Saturday before the event but I left room to cancel."

He wanted to shout hell no! but the others might like to look at her and if it was before the event then they had an excuse to leave her.

"That's fine but you have to promise to save us if I send you an SOS."

Phun looked at him with a raised eyebrow. Noh just grinned. "Anyway I'm surprised she didn't know you. I figured if she wanted to meet you, she would at least know who she was looking for."

"You would be surprised at the people who know the name of the band but have no clue who we are. Still, if you plan to approach someone in the industry, even someone as small time_"

"Please. You have an international following Noh!" Per interrupted.

"_As we are, you should do your research. Really Per? International in Asia, sure." Noh was at least sure of that. He was a part of his own damn fan club just to keep up with shit. The international part he wasn't so sure of. He didn't really have a way to keep track of that because he didn't have people and money to establish his own label. That was his end goal. He wanted Elevation to elevate themselves too. He needed a launch pad and getting a great label to back them initially was the key. 

"Noh, you know one of the Entertainment Companies offering a contract is big in Korea right? I mean they signed Jericho and they are a success. They're looking for more like them and you fit that mold. Jericho sold over a 100,000 copies of their first single in a week and the sales for the album are doing well. You have even more potential than they do because lets face it, Earn carries that band on just his looks alone much less talent. But you have a great lineup and Ohm. Flex, Ex and Dye are handsome and capable and Ohm... is Ohm." Film rolled his eyes because how do you categorize Ohm?

"I'm aware. They are our current end goal but I'm not sure they may want to take a chance on use. We would be considered a controversial band. It's cute to ship but when you already know that guy loves another guy, it's different."

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