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"So you fly out tomorrow and I come in on Saturday? Phun. I'm not going to lie. I'm a little pissed, but I also understand you."

"I got an email telling me that we have to collect documents from China regarding a matter that happened there. The information will be shared between us and returned. Since the couple idea was nixed by me, We will be travelling on business. I will be given a briefcase identical to the one I am receiving and exchanged. Nothing serious."

"What! Phun! That sounds like something from TV!" Noh's voice sounded worried and really upset.

"Noh. Relax. It's not that serious. There's a business convention happening at the same time. We will be attending and make the exchange there." Phun was much more relaxed about the situation but there was a reason for that.

"Phun. I really don't like this." He sounded like he was pulling at his hair. Phun could see him in his mind clearly.

"I know. I am telling you just in case something happens and you have to raise hell. But I don't think you will have to. I actually have some plans in place and everything will work out. Lets talk about something else."

"Phun... Just come back to me safely. Ok?"

"Promise and I always keep them. You know that." Noh sighed and nodded even thought Phun couldn't hear him. 

"The third music video is coming out as soon as we get back."

"The Song of P and N?"

"Yes." All three videos had been filmed before the album release. While they were on tour, the second video had come out and the tour had seen a boost in new fans. Noh realized that he really had a huge following in the community. They really came out to see him after it was clear that he wasn't changing his stance. He had even landed an article and interview on US Billboard. Noh wasn't impressed thought. The entire write up only took up an eighth of his computer screen.

"We also got a tiny mention on RollingStone. So tiny that I'm not sure it matters but Ohm is content so I guess I am too? I just want to come home and sleep because I'm tired to my bones."

"Noh... You got a mention from the RollingStone? The one that does album reviews?"

"Yes. Apparently they heard something about the Thai with the Golden Voice which seems to have caught on by the way and said we were an "Asian band to watch out for" and that they found it interesting that we target the community. Fuck that shit. We target lovers. We didn't aim to hook the community! If they connect with me that's fine Phun. I want everyone to connect with me. But don't pigeon hole me because I'm Thai and gay!" The frustration was screaming at Phun through he phone and he wasn't even sure that Noh was fully conscious of his rant at this point.

"Now I regret accepting this trip. Do you want me to take my Secret phone? I don't trust her but I'll chance it."

"No. Just talk to me. I don't want to make a mistake. I don't want to put something out there that will be screen shot and shoved in my face later."

"Ok so video call me. I don't care where you are or who is there. Do it."

Noh was silent for a moment before the call was cut and a video request was made.

"Oh baby. You look so tired. I wish I could come there but you'll be home in 2 days. You can make it."

"I feel like I want to cry. This wasn't even a big tour. This was small scale. If this is what I have to look forward to then I think I want to quit."

"You will regret quitting. I'm going to call mom. No. Shut up. I'm calling mom and I'm organizing so you get delivered directly to her then I'm going to add you to her birthday spa booking which she gets on Sunday. I don't give a fuck if you don't want to go. Then I come to you Sunday night and I'm home until Tuesday because I requested 2 days off. Ok?"

Love Contract - A Love Sick fan ficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя