The Interview With Sempai Mel Pt 1

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Noh looked at his first mini albums. The first one, Dance Up, had a party theme. It made sense. He had created most of the songs after immersing himself in the party scene. He barely slept that term and somehow managed to pass all his classes. After that, he slept for a week.

The second Album theme was puppy love and held songs like FTSS and Looking, Stalking. Yep. They actually had a song called Looking, Stalking. This album was called Love Chronicles Pt 1: Puppy Love.

The door opened and Sempai Mel walked in. She smiled at them as her ladies came in and did their set up.

"So, how are ya?" Noh laughed. It was the way she had opened the interview back then...

Three Years Ago...

The young lady walked in with just a camera person. She didn't hesitate but planted herself in front of them and smiled a huge, scary smile.

"So, how are ya? Ready to do this thing?"

"As we'll ever be." Ohm said with a grin. Noh could tell he liked her already.

Once the set up was finished she sat in a director's chair that she bought and introduced herself.

"So. My name is Sempai Mel. You can call me Mel just for today. I head many fan clubs for many stars here and abroad. A couple of nights ago we saw you guys perform at Dixie. I was really impressed and started spreading the word about you. For the sake of new fans, introduce yourselves, please."

"Hi. Rising higher every day, we are..." Noh began and everyone chimed in, "Elevation!"

"I'm Noh and I'm the band's lead singer. I also write a lot of the lyrics and occasionally work on melodies. Oh and I play instruments too but that's not for stage."

"I'm Ohm and the bass player. I work on our rap lyrics but I have no flow so I leave that to Flex who somehow manages to spit bars while he drums. It's amazing."

"I'm Flex... What he said." They all laughed.

"I'm Dye and I play keyboard and work with Noh on lyrics and melodies. I also do a lot of the beats and I produce a lot of our sounds.

"And I'm Ex, the guy who does all they said and everything else." There was another set of chuckles.

"So how long have you guys been a band?"

"This will be 9 months?" Noh looks around, double checking with everyone.

"Wow. Just nine? You guys connected really well thought because you feel like you've been at it for years."

"Nope, just nine months."

"Ok wow. Well I came with 10 fan questions, randomly selected from the fans and one from myself of course. I'm going to ask them and your going to give me the best answer you can give me. Ok?"

"Got it." They all gave her a thumbs up.

How did you meet and form a band?

Noh: Ohm and I have known each other our entire lives. His mom and I had Lamaze classes together and they realized they were also neighbours so they hit it off. When Ohm was 5, they moved but we still went to the same schools and everything.

Ohm: We also have parents who work in similar professions. My did is Conductor Whaen who is also a University professor. Noh's mom taught music in her own school before she stopped. My mom is also a professor of music composition and my brother went off to follow in my father's footsteps.

Dye: The rest of us met at school. We all entered the same program. Noh and Ohm were the first to schedule tryouts. I was the first new member followed by Flex and Ex who were also looking for a team willing to take 2. We hit it off right away. Like instantly.

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