Fi's Revelations

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"It's times like these when I miss Oil." Fi said quietly.

"Well if things work out for Elevation, we may tour the States. You know what that means right?"

"You might be able to see him."

"And you too. Do you honestly think I'm not going to track that guy down and not have you with me. If he could come home, he would be here already. Oil and I used to talk. He used to use me to keep track of you because I always knew where Phun was and that meant you were there too."

"So that's how he knew where I was. Son of a bitch. I always used to wonder about that."

"Yep. I always told Noh and one time I told Oil that too. I never realized that he also used Noh to track you."

"I wish I had more time with him. Though in the back of my mind, I never thought his mother would do that to him. His father is such a thug too."

"I've always been surprised that he never tried to hurt you. He is that kind of man. My father went up against him many times and he said that despite all his legitimate business, he had many shady ones too. He always said he hoped that Oil would be able to change things in the future."

"Do you know I got accepted to the US? Five different Universities were willing to allow me to transfer there after my freshman year. However, I was denied a student visa to go study. We couldn't understand why but my father had a friend working there who told him that Oil's father was behind it. He paid off several people to make sure I wouldn't get to the US where Oil would have access to me."

"Fi? Are you for real right now? I know you applied but you told me_" Phun started harshly before Fi cut him off.

"I know what I said but I was too upset to tell you the truth. Phun. If I wasn't broken hearted before, he made sure I was this time around. Why do you think I applied to those schools? For the very reason he stopped me from going there. I wish I could give up on Oil. I really do but I can't. I love him so much. It amazes me how much. I often wonder how I get up every morning or how I get through every day. You help Phun but I feel so lost sometimes."

"Well you don't only have Phun. Your one of my people now too Fi and I for one will always need you. I will especially need a translator and besides Phun, you're the best. Your English is outstanding."

"Even better than Phun's. That's one class I don't have to study as hard as he does and he comes to me for help."

"And you sing better than he does too."

"Hey! You're pushing it, the both of you."

They laughed and hi fived over Phun's head but he let it go.

"I always wondered. How did you two come to be dating anyway?" Noh was curious since, to him, they were just suddenly a thing to select people.

As the story goes, Oil was actually supposed to be a year ahead of Fi. He came back from the states in time for freshman year but he missed more than a term due to travel and illness. He caught a cold but with lack of care and several trips to Russia with his father during that time, the cold became something much worse. When he did return to school, he asked to be held back as he missed so much. His father had disagreed but his mother had already given permission.

Oil retook his freshman year and found himself in the top ten in class but Phun had beaten him that year as had Fi and while Oil didn't mind, his father had. Phun had beaten him every term since but Oil and Fi continued to dance on the grading list. It made Oil pay attention to Fi even thought that guy barely acknowledged his existence beyond academic rivalry. They spent years like this until one day, Fi knocked into Oil while chasing Phun. Fi sitting on him had been delicious enough but that scene shot his concentration and he took a ball to the head from Knot. That fucker was a powerhouse and Oil had dropped like a rock.

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