Mick's New Job

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Mick woke at six. It didn't matter what time it was. He always woke at six. This morning though, he rolled over into Ohm and went back to sleep. His alarm was set for nine. He had some time before he needed to wake Khun Phun.

Mick had fallen in love with Ohm when he was a freshman and Ohm was a junior. Ohm had taught him how to play the French horn but he had also taught Mick about his own sexuality.

Many girls had liked Mick. In fact, he had actually had a girlfriend or two in middle school. There wasn't much to be said there other than a few group dates and dropping that girl home. He had never made a move and they were always the ones to kiss his cheek. One had even tried to kiss his mouth but he had instinctively pulled away and she had taken it personal. She refused to talk to him anymore. But Mick was ok with that because they didn't have that much in common anyway.

Then he joined the music club because he really did love listening to music and the brochure for the club had been very cool. He wanted to learn to play an instrument he wasn't familiar with and they did need a new member to play the French horn.

From the moment he had seen Ohm walking with Noh, he had been struck dumb. Ohm had looked strong and serious and had made his little Mick tingle for the first time.

He quickly learned that Ohm was a complete lay about with his friends but when it came to the music, Ohm was deadly serious.

Being with Ohm wasn't easy thought. While Mick was gay, Ohm was bi and he had held Mick at arm's length from the very beginning. Mick often had to suffer through denial from Ohm and that had been one of the main issues behind their first and only major argument. The moment Noh had come out with Phun thought, had also changed things for Ohm.

He kept things calm at school but once the bell rang and the day was done, Ohm would hold his hand and they would act like lovers. The same happened for the music club. It was sexy to see Ohm all business and then break into a smile when it has all over and haul Mick off so they could be alone. Ohm was careful with Mick at first. Once his cousin went off to study though, and Mick entered his sophomore year, they made out like the world was ending.

Then Ohm got into university. Mick had been ecstatic but devastated. Ohm would surely find someone who would be older and more experienced than he was.

Instead, Ohm got him a promise ring and a chain for it. He stated plainly that there would be no one else and if he did fuck up, Mick would be the first to know.

To his knowledge, Ohm had not fucked up.

Instead, Ohm came home every holiday, with or without Noh and the moment he landed, he would look for Mick first after going home with his parents. Then the summer break, after his first year, Ohm told his parents everything. His dad had been a bit upset but his mom had known. She asked him to invite Mick to dinner.

The moment they met, she had fallen in love. Then Mick had proved capable of handling Ohm with a little bit of manipulation and a lot of sweetness and she was sold. They had talked about his family then too and while it hurt Mick that he couldn't bring Ohm home or introduce him beyond friendship, he knew they would be together once everything was over and his mother couldn't control his life anymore.

He loved her and he was a filial son but he wouldn't give Ohm up for anyone, not even her.

Ohm's hands moved over his body possessively even in sleep and Mick smiled. They hadn't even done it until the winter break of Mick's junior year which was the same as Ohm's freshman break from university. Mick had been the one to ask and after Ohm had asked him why and listened to Mick's answer, he had gone off and prepared the most romantic setting. They had dinner by candlelight, dancing and they had talked about anything and everything except for what Ohm had planned. Then Ohm had taken him to his room and they had made love. Ohm had treated his body as if it was a treasure.

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