The Contract

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Elevation's return to their school was met with a big production. They walked out of the arrival gate to a shit ton of media and university personnel.

Noh remained relaxed through it all on the outside but his stomach felt like it was on fire and he was so nervous, he low key started looking for the restroom so he could either heave or take a really big dump out of nerves.

When Ohm looked at some random guy with a camera scornfully and opened his maw, Noh knew it was time to get the hell out of dodge and he discretely yanked Ohm away and kept moving to the bus. He gave a wave occasionally and only responded to one guy who asked how he was feeling.

"Tired as fuck to be honest but otherwise we are all Ok." Then he jumped into the van and shut the door.

"That asshole asked me how long Earn and I have been fucking! Can you believe that shit!"

"Yes. That's the media and you almost fell for that trap because no matter what you said it would either sound like you and Earn are in love or like you just disrespected the judge who "cheated Elevation into a win" according to the latest rag."

"I didn't see that," Flex chimed in as he propped up a sleeping Dye. That guy had napped his way through the whole process and Noh kind of wished they could switch bodies at the moment.

"It was the first thing on my news feed this morning. Mez is actually a big part of that shit because Ohm was around when he was told off by Earn. Only Earn told me that the judges table had sent him to find out what the hell happened. They wanted a feel of Mez new style and Earn only confirmed what they sensed, that he was full of shit and needed to get his act together."

"When did Earn tell you that?" Ohm demanded. Why didn't he know about this?

"When I text him this morning after seeing the article. He said he got teased cause he marked us the hardest of all the bands. It was simply because he had high expectation and they were met but he wanted to be fair."

"Well aren't you a busy boy in the mornings." Ohm complained. He hated being behind.

"Whatever. Go cuddle your Mickey Mouse and leave me alone."

"Oh that's right. Your Phun Bear had to stay behind. Poor thing." Noh was lightening quick with the smack and even Mick laughed at Ohm's annoyed face.

They arrived at school to a small gathering from the Fine Arts Department who cheered and applauded when they arrived. Noh greeted everyone he knew and immediately stared catching up on what he missed.

"Was he really there?" Fliss, asked, all starry eyed.

"Yes. He really was. I was shocked."

"We could tell. Wish we could see him. Though I think it adds to the mystique of Elevation." Link said. He had joined Noh in a group project during an elective fresher year and they had become fast friends. He had tried the band route and while they did well. Silver Sands was still trying to amass a decent enough following.

"He thinks so too so we're going with it for now." Noh straightened. "Professor Atlin."

"Mr. NawahindaKorn. We need the group and Mick in Room C please. Ah there's Mr. Sou."

Noh took the whistle Link offered and blew sharply. Everyone got quiet.

"Band and Mick, room C asap. Thanks Link."

"Yeah. By the way. We replaced Carl. I'll tell you later."

"You better. Damn!" Noh gave Link a smile and made it through the crowd. Carl was the reason Sands couldn't get a good foothold anywhere. The guy was the worst frontman Noh had ever come across. He was much too selfish.

Love Contract - A Love Sick fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now