Games of Cats vs Mice

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At around 5, Phun grabbed his and Noh's bags and carried them out to the car. Min just happened to be passing by when she saw him put the bags in the car then get in next to the girl from before. She held herself in check and waved in a friendly way before moving on. Her people would take care of things from that point.

Then she heard him call her name and her mind raced as she turned to face him.

"Don't forget to look out for Film ok. Thanks. See you later." And he was gone. She sagged the moment he was out of sight and held her chest. She had actually thought he was going to call her out for earlier when she had followed Cinderella back to her, well Phun's, room.

It did not take long for the photos to come pouring in. She looked at them all and sighed.

Liss – She doesn't even relax in the car? Seriously?

Pana - And why should she? They are working hard to keep a secret here. We are lucky to even get a picture of her existence at all.

Senpai Mel – But why such an elaborate step to keep things hidden?

Minnie – Because of people like us. Let's face it. She doesn't want to be in the spotlight. She has probably suffered for being with Phun. He is not just anyone despite the fact that he is so down to earth. At the end pf the day, scandal is scandal.

Liss – She must really love him. This is so romantic.

Senpai Mel – I guess. I'm more interested in Noh. Anything on that front?

Minnie - I think they are in the music room together. Access to there is heavily restricted. It's so obvious that's where he is. I think they may make a break for it like Phun. If I could hear noises from the other side of the door that night then they wouldn't dare to do that while I roam the halls. I bet they are going to get their own space.

Tune – Well the cabin Phun is in now can surely house both couples. It's huge and has two obvious apartments. From my peeks through the window, they will share a kitchen and a living room.

Winnie – Did you actually see them?!

Tune – Nope. Not a soul.

Winnie – Damn

She put down her phone and worried her lip, a trait she shared with Mick. They had the numbers but Phun and Noh had the advantage on experience. She admitted it now. She was nowhere near their level.

"Hey. Where is everyone?" She jumped obviously and clutched her chest. Film raised an eyebrow at her and she shook her head.

"Oh. Hey P'Film. Phun and Cinderella just left and_"

"Cinderella?" Film interrupted. Who the hell was that?

"I meant Nong Scarlet. Well they left about an hour ago. Phun did say to tell you that Noh needed to see your thoughts. He needed some input for this drum sound or something or other."

"You call her Cinderella?"

"Well I don't know her name."

"Yes you do. You just said it."

"That's her actual name?!"

Film gave Minnie a look but he didn't say anything, just moved past her for the kitchen. There he greeted the busy women inside with a kiss on their cheeks and offered to help. Eve directed him to the shrimp waiting to be seasoned and battered. He washed his hands and got to work. When they were done, he loaded up plates and headed off to the music room.

Love Contract - A Love Sick fan ficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora