Todoroki X Reader (Request, Angst)

Start from the beginning

She had shiny H/C locks and bright, vibrant E/C eyes. Her smile could easily light up a room, and her S/C skin looked soft, and Shoto could only imagine how soft it actually was to the touch.

"Sure." Always a gentleman, he offered his hand, and her blush deepened as she took it and he led her outside the room, leaving Rei alone with a satisfied smirk on her angelic face. "Uh, are your walks around the building too?"

"Yep, all of our walks are more or less the same, except I..." her voice dropped to a whisper, "...have special garden privileges. There's this flower garden outside, with a fountain and stuff, and since I've been here for so long, they don't really care if I wander around, even by myself, as long as I have my ID on me." She held up her wrist, where a plastic hospital bracelet dangled.

"How long have you been here?" Shoto asked, but internally cringed at how blunt and straightforward that was, but she seemed to appreciate the forwardness and laughed a little.

"Six years."

His eyes widened.

"Six years?"

"Yeah." Y/N shrugged. "I'm not mentally ill, though. I'm sure your mom told you. All the nurses hate me being here because they want me to be free, but because I was born quirkless and developed the ability to see and talk to ghosts at around ten years old, and due to my circumstances, my power isn't considered a quirk. They treat it like it's a mental illness. They tried giving me schizophrenia medication but the nurses broke the rules and stopped giving it to me because I don't have schizophrenia or anything."

"I consider that an incredible power." Shoto said softly and Y/N looked at him in surprise.


"Yes. What else can you do?"

Y/N could barely hold back the huge grin that threatened to overtake her face.

"Well, if I see a ghost, I'll see that ghost forever. I saw him-" she gestured to what looked like thin air to Shoto in excitement, "-my first week here. His name is Benjiro. I can also show other people what I see."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you want me to show you?" 

The two had already made it to the bottom floor of the building, wrapped up in conversation, and she grabbed his hand, tugging him towards the door and laughing, pulled him around the corner of the building out of street view, and he stopped dead. It was gorgeous. There were trees and flowers everywhere, and a fountain in the middle of it all.

"Isn't it beautiful?" She squeezed his hand, and his body felt hot.

"It is." She blushed a deeper red and released his hand, motioning for him to followe her, but, feeling bold, he took her hand again and allowed himself to be pulled into the field of flowers and next to Y/N, who sat on the bench part of the fountain, her free hand gently touching the water stream. "Do you want to see ghosts?"

"Yes..." He replied hesitantly.

"They're harmless. Most ghosts stay in the 'ghost form' for their entire afterlife, which means they are visible to select people and can mingle along the living, but some ghosts go directly to or eventually to their 'final change' and disappear forever. Nobody really knows what happens after that. Heaven and hell? Reincarnation? Nobody knows." Y/N took his hand in both of hers for a moment. "If you trust me, I can show you what I see."

"I trust you." He replied after a moment, and it shocked him. He has trust issues, he always has, from the abuse from his father, but he did. He trusted this girl, this girl he barely knew and met maybe a half hour ago.

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