Rings of Love

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Several years later...

(Author's POV)

It had been several years since Nia and Rm had become a couple and RM realized that he wanted to make Nia his for life. He decided to ask Siena how he should go about the proposal. He wanted to make it as special as he possibly could. 

"Hey, RM what are you thinking about?" Siena asked RM walking into his room. 

"Hey, Siena. I'm just thinking about Nia," RM said. 

"Of course you are. I should've known," Siena said. 

"Iwanttoproposetoher," RM blurted out. 

"What?" Siena asked. 

"I- I w- want to p- propose to Nia," RM stuttered. 

"Oh, well I have an idea," Siena said. 

"What is your idea?" RM asked. 

Meanwhile in another room...

Nia ducked as yet another object was thrown in frustration. 

"Would you calm down!?" Nia yelled. 

"No, I need to find the damn ring, or else there won't be a proposal!!" Suga yelled, throwing a vase. 

The vase sailed past Nia missing her head by an inch. 

"SUGA!! CALM THE FUCK DOWN!!" Nia yelled, finally losing it. 

This had been going on for the past hour and the once clean room now looked like a tornado had passed through it. 

"Did you think of looking in the drawers?" Nia asked as Suga finally stopped throwing things. 

"Uhh... no..." Suga said sheepishly looking down at the floor. 

Suga went and opened the drawer and pulled out a small velvet box and opened it to see the ring. 

"Oh..." Suga said, feeling embarrassed.

Nia walked up to Suga and smacked him in the face for throwing the case. 

"Yah! What the heck!?" Suga yelled. 

"That was for throwing the vase and nearly killing me! Well, now that you found it, how are you planning on proposing to her?" Nia asked, rolling her eyes and sounding annoyed. 

"I haven't figured that out yet," Suga said. 

"So you bought the ring but did not plan how to propose?" Nia asked with an incredulous look on her face. 

"Yeah... I'm not sure what to do to make it special," Suga replied, looking down at the floor in shame. 

"Well, you're lucky that I know what Siena wants her proposal to be like," Nia said. 

"Oh thank god. I don't know what I would have done without you," Suga said. 

Back to RM and Siena...

"What is your plan?" RM asked. 

"You guys have a live show tomorrow on Mnet TV right?" Siena asked. 

"Yeah... what about that?" RM asked. 

"Well, Nia and I are going to be there watching you guys, so you guys should sing 3 songs for her and then make a small speech about how much you love her. Then the guys will bring her on the stage blindfolded. Then they will take off the blindfold while you get on one knee and ask her," Siena said. 

"Siena, you're a genius. Thank you so much! I don't know what I would've done without you!" RM yelled, getting up and hugging Siena tightly. 

"Calm down, do you have the ring or no?" Siena asked. 

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