To A New Start

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April 11, 2024

(Nia's POV)

All of us were sleeping peacefully until Jimin, Suga, and J-Hope all yelled "The planes about to crash!!!"

"Huhhh? What ahaha!! We're all going to die!!!" Jungkook and I yelled.

"What?! We need to jump off the plane!!!" V yelled while he was half asleep."

"What the fuck were all going to die!" yelled Siena and Jin.

***RM still snoring after all the yelling***

"Hahaha! It's a prank!" screamed Jimin, Suga, and J-Hope."

"Hahaha! Look RM is still snoring," said Suga.

"Hahaha! Looking at RM sleeping is so cute and it means nothing, by the way, its just his dimples are just so perfect," I whispered to Siena.

(Jungkook's POV)

RM was still sleeping so I decided to pour ice cold water on his face. I got a bottle of super cold water from the fridge and was about to pour it on his face when Jin asked me what I was doing. I told him and he liked the idea since he loves pranking RM. I poured the water on his face and...

"WHAT THE HELL!!!" RM yelled out loud.

"Good morning to you too. The planes landed," I told him.

"Already? It doesn't feel like it," RM said.

"Well maybe because you were the only one left sleeping."

"Ugh, I'm so tired, I don't want to get up," he said.

"I thought that you hated these stiff seats?"

"I do but also I don't want to get up because I am so freaking tired," said RM.

"Okay well we are going to pull you off the seat," said Nia and Siena.

"Yeah, yeah you guys aren't even that strong," RM said.

"Want to try us?" Siena asked.

"Yeah sure," said RM.

(Siena's POV)

Nia and I went and stood in front of RM and grabbed either one of his arms and pulled him hard causing him to fall to the ground. He just stared at us shocked.

"How did you just do that?" RM asked.

"We told you, don't underestimate us, especially when we're together. The two of us put together equals Jungkook," I said.

(Nia's POV)

I stood there laughing my head off. The other members couldn't control it either. After that little fiasco, we got off the jet and made our way to the vans that were already waiting for us. The crew members got in one of the vans and drove off and all of us were left in one van.

"I'm gonna sit in the front and all of you guys can sit on the floor of the van," said Suga.

"Ummm no I am going to sit in the front you can sit on the floor with everyone else," yelled V.

"Too late, I am already sitting in the front," said Suga.

*sigh* "I will sit with the others on the floor," said V.

So we all sat down on the floor in the van and I got squashed between Jungkook and RM while Siena was squashed between Jin and J-hope. One by one we all started to fall asleep on top of each other. Jin fell asleep with his head on Siena's lap while J-Hope fell asleep with his head on her legs. I fell asleep next to RM with Jungkook fell asleep leaning against the side of the van. Siena fell asleep also leaning against the side of the van with her legs on Jungkook. RM fell asleep next to me and I didn't realize but he ended up cuddling with me. V and Jimin just fell asleep on top of each other.

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