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"Booker!" I shouted, banging on the door to his room, my younger brother, John B as most people call him, groaned from the other side. "What do you want?" His response was muffled, ever since our father up and disappeared to look for the royal merchant, I've had to become the adult, the parental figure. "It's the first day of summer break and even JJ's up before you." I called, walking into the living room to see JJ mindlessly scrolling through his phone, he shot me a smile when I walked out, knowing I had recently stocked the fridge which meant I would cook them actual food this morning instead of just cereal. I opened the fridge, but froze as I caught a glimpse of the picture of my father and I holding a new born John B, why'd he have to go crazy like that? I'm not saying he was the most amazing father, but at least he was here, and now I'm stuck picking up the pieces of my brother while I break down behind closed doors. "Lizzie?" JJ spoke softly, shaking me from my daze, I was letting all the cold air out of the fridge. "Nothing, J, don't worry." I whispered to the younger boy, hastily pulling the eggs and sausage out of the fridge, slamming the door afterwards. I was only a freshly turned nineteen year old girl who wanted to live a normal life, party with her friends, but here I am. I wasn't going to college, it wasn't that I was stupid, I was actually very smart, but I had decided to stay here, knowing deep down that my dad would royally fuck up and leave a broken John B in his path, and boy did he.

"You start that tutoring gig today right?" John B asked, finally emerging from his cave, he looked god awful, dark circles under his eyes, exhaustion written across his face. "Yeah, at the Cameron's." I responded, mixing the eggs up in the bowl, pouring them into the hot pan. "Really? Is it for the power puff girl?" JJ quipped, sitting on the counter beside me as I cooked, I whacked his leg, "get off." I reprimanded him, he pouted but climbed down off the counter, going to sit on one of the stools instead. "No, it's for the youngest one, Wheezie." I corrected him, laughing at his nickname for Rafe. I'm no stranger to Rafe Cameron, we've always been flirty at parties, but he's too rough around my friends, my family, for me to pursue anything. Well, at least that's what I told myself, but a girl can look, he is one hell of a man, but on another note, he'll flirt with any girl, as long as they're not related to him. "I thought Wheezie was the smartest out of all of them?" John B retorted, smiling as I placed a loaded plate of food in front of him, I gave one to JJ as well before eating the leftovers. "She's life smart, book smart, not so much." I sighed, hopefully she's tolerable, either way I was just happy to be getting paid. Ward had reached out to me when he saw my summer tutoring flyers around town, I had put them all over, desperate to get the word out. He was paying me a ridiculous amount to tutor her twice a week, for the whole summer. Not that I'm complaining. "What are you boys going to do today?" I questioned, glancing towards the front door as it opened, "Sheriff? Hello." I gasped, putting my plate down, going to meet her in the living room. "What can I do for you?" I asked, she looked passed me and towards John B. "I just wanted to check on you both, make sure you're staying out of trouble." She directed the last part towards my brother who nodded. "Of course, I would never get into trouble." We both glared at him, as if, John B has been quite the handful since our dad disappeared at the end of last summer. "Yes, Sheriff. He's been staying out of trouble, and I want hesitate to call you if he does something." I assured her, a snap to my voice as I threatened John B with severe punishment. "You do that, Elizabeth. I'll be in touch." And just like that, Peterkin walked out like she owned the place. "What did you do?" I instantly turned on my heels to face my brother, she wouldn't have popped by if she didn't suspect him of something. "Nothing!" He spoke too loudly too quickly. "JJ, what did he do?" I turned to the blonde boy who froze, fork half way to his mouth, he looked between me and John B, us both giving him a glare, but for different reasons. "He graffitied the side of a shop in town, saying that Big John wasn't crazy." JJ spilled, I gave him a smile, "thank you." "What the fuck man?!" John B gasped, shocked that his friend sold him out. "She scares me, sorry." JJ muttered, grabbing his plate and walking away to let us argue in peace.

"Booker." I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose, "you can't keep doing shit like this." I met his eyes, he looked angry, much different than the sweet little brother I used to know. Ever since our dad died, but don't tell John B I thought that he was dead, he's been spiraling, going crazier and crazier. "Why not? What do I have to lose?" He snapped, like his life was truly that terrible, I'm a firm believer in somebody always having it worse off than you, so you should be grateful for what you have. "Well for starters, me, you'd lose me. Then JJ, then all of your other friends, you'd lose your life, John B. The path you're going down isn't one you want to take. I'm working my ass off to make sure you can do something good with your life, please don't waste it." I concluded my rant with my arms crossing over my chest, he went slightly wide eyed when I had called him John B, I hardly ever do that, I always call him by his middle name. He stared at me for a moment, I could see the wheels turning in his head, but unfortunately all the fell from his lips was, "whatever Lizzie."

It's been an hour since my little spat with my brother, and I was currently walking up the steps to the Cameron house, it was even bigger than I remembered. I pressed the button beside the door, hearing it ring through the giant home, patiently waiting for someone to come to the door. I looked up from my shoes as the door started opening, Rafe looked at me and raised a brow, he was only in swim trunks, his hair gelled back into its normal position, his pupils were a little blown. Telling me he's been doing drugs that I would never dare to be around. "What?" He finally spoke, I heard Sarah shouting at him from the next room, "don't be an ass!" She came into view, "she's here to tutor Wheezie, remember?" She quipped to the older boy who nodded, giving me a once over before walking off. "You'll have to excuse him, he's been a real jerk lately." Sarah apologized, stepping aside so I could come in. "It's fine." I assured her with a smile, she shouted for Wheezie who grumbled under her breath as she descended the stairs, not looking like she wanted to be doing this at all. "Let's get started." I smiled at her, both Sarah and I laughing when she rolled her eyes, pulling me along to the dining room table, her stuff already being set up and ready to go. "Somebody's eager." I teased, she sighed, "I don't want to do this, but I have no choice, so if you could at least be fun about it, that'd be nice." Wheezie rambled, siting in her chair. A smile pulled on my lips, I liked her, she was feisty, she knew what she wanted. "I think I can do that." I assured her, both of us letting out a small laugh.

"See, not so bad." I joked, beginning to pack my stuff away, the two hours had flown by, she was a quick learner, I began to wonder why she even needed a tutor, but pushed it aside. "So, you got a boyfriend?" Wheezie asked out of the blue, I shot my eyebrows up, "not that it's really any of your business, but no, I don't." I laughed at her bluntness, "just curious." She shrugged it off, "do you?" I quipped, my things had long since been put away, but we were enjoying just chatting. "No." She answered quickly, embarrassed even. "That's fine, you're only 13." I assured her, calming the nerves she was clearly displaying. "Still here, pogue?" Rafe spoke, walking past us, I glared at the back of his head. "Got a problem with that, your majesty?" I remarked, smirking when he turned back to look at me, a dangerously dark but beautiful smile pulling on his lips. "Never said I had a problem with it." He winked, walking off, leaving me there to process our interaction. "Ew you're blushing." Wheezie grimaced, I rolled my eyes, standing up with my bag, "no I'm not." I mumbled, knowing full well I was, but brushed off her teasing comments as I headed out the door, "see you Thursday!" I called to the young girl, walking outside, she shut the door behind me after calling a quick goodbye. "Oh, Elizabeth!" Ward shouted, rushing over to me as I was about to climb in the car, "your check, for the next two weeks." He handed me the paper, I looked at the amount scribbled on it and had to force my eyes from going wide. "Thanks, Mr. Cameron." I smiled, he nodded walking off, like giving a complete stranger this large of a check was nothing. Crazy.

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