Chapter 22

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Azalea's POV:

            For the next two days, I avoided Christopher and Kane as much as I could. I never came close to our room and luckily, he was confined in there due to worries of his malnutrition the previous night. I made up excuses on why I didn’t visit him which surprisingly worked. Kane was another story. It was so hard to avoid the person who was assigned to be your personal bodyguard. I snuck around, hid in places where no one would suspect to find me, and had Maya to help me stay hidden. Though she didn’t agree with my method of avoiding him, she still was my friend and went along with my plans.

            It was not my intention to hide from them forever, but I needed to sort out my feelings for the two of them. Though I usually like to face troubles head on, this was a whole other matter. Avoidance seemed to work well for me, until Christopher was released from his room confinement. Unlike Kane, who did not know the castle too well yet, Christopher knew of all the nook and crannies where I might hide from him. One day while I was in a hidden space near the servant’s quarters, he found me. He smiled at me with a simple, “Long time no see.” I assumed he was going to expect an answer to his confession, but he surprised me with a large announcement.

            “We are going to the forest today!”

He grabbed my hand and started dragging me along with him. I quickly placed down my book on a nearby table and was pulled outside towards the horse stable. When we reached there, I found a surprise waiting for me.

            “Celera!” I screamed in delight.

Celera was my horse back in Pyrus whom I raised since she was a foal. I wasn’t allowed to bring her to Cardinia due to the inconvenience; I was really disappointed, but now I couldn’t express my delight.


Christopher walked over and stroked her muzzle.

            “I arranged for her to be brought over. I heard about how much you love her after all.”

I looked down to the floor in awe.

            “Thank you for bringing her to me.”

Christopher then mounted his horse, who resided in the stall next to Celera.

            “Where are you going?”

            “We are going to visit a favorite place of mine. Hurry and mount your horse.”

We rode for a few minutes in silence, which was strange considering how I thought he would talk about his confession two days ago. He didn’t even touch on the subject. Was I right? Was his confession fake? There was no possible way he would fall in love with me right? I’m just a plain princess who was unladylike and loved reading all day after all. To break the tension that was in the air I decided to start up a conversation.

            “Is it alright for you to be up and about Christopher?”

            “Of course, it has been almost two weeks since the incident. I’m fine now. I even got permission from Hector.”

            “I see, don’t push yourself.”

            “I won’t.”

Silence filled the void between us again but luckily not for long.

Not too long after, Christopher suddenly stopped and dismounted his horse. I followed and soon Christopher was leading the reins of his horse West of where we stood. We finally reached beautiful scenery with a diamond blue waterfall falling into a little lake surrounded by beautiful flowers and other plants. The sun perfectly peeked at us at the top of the waterfall. I gasped in awe at how wonderful this place was.

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