Chapter 44

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Christopher's POV:

"I made the correct decision, right?"

I asked my trusted friend as I watched Azalea's carriage ride off into the distance. I felt his hand on my shoulder as he simply replied to me.

"This way, she and the children will be safe, but I still think our army is formidable enough against Garrett's army."

"No Mitchell, I do not want to risk any more of my kingdom's blood. If Garrett can manage to recruit and train hundreds of men who have never stepped food in an armory and take over Kerton... I am afraid of the destruction which would be brought upon our land. This entire battle has only been between my mother and Garrett. There is no need to sacrifice our people for my mother's mistakes."

"What will the kingdom think of their king facing the threat alone?"

"That is why you will keep quiet Mitchell. No one can know of my meeting with Garrett."

I began walking away to prepare for my journey until Mitchell took the last word.

"What about Nathaniel? Does he not deserve to know?"

"He does not need to know."

"I fear he already does Christopher."

I felt Mitchell pass by me as he passed a slip of paper in my hands. He turned back to look at me once before leaving.

"He may not be the strongest lad, but he is far from incompetent. I found that in his room."

I unraveled the crumpled paper which revealed itself to be a letter from my mother's past- A letter from her friend Rose about Mason.

I quickly stormed into Nathaniel's room to find him sitting at his desk with a pile of wrinkled parchments. He gave me a sly smile as if knowing I would appear in front of him. I held up the letter.

"Where did you find this?"

"Good to see you too brother, I was wondering when you would finally notice me."

"Do not start Nathaniel, where did you find this?" I enunciated.

"I am a boy who spends all day in the library, how can I not find it?"

"You found this in the library?"

"Why did you not tell me?"


"About mother, about her past, about anything? Do you really not trust me that much?"

"It is not that Nathaniel it's..."

"What were you afraid that it would hurt me because I spent the most time with mother out of all of us? I am not the same child you found crying in bed before. Believe it or not, I have grown up during all the years you fooled around to anger mother."


"And...though you probably are going to ignore me, I have some valuable information about Garrett which you may like to know."


"While you spent your time mourning and being a complete prick I was figuring out Garrett's plan."

"His plan is revenge on our family, for what mother has done." I stated.

"No Christopher, it is worse than that; his plan is to take revenge on the world."

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