Chapter 34

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Azalea's POV:

            “That is it?" I almost shouted.

            “I am just saying that there are more important things to worry about right now."

            “And this is not important?"

            “I did not say that. I am thankful that you have gone through the trouble of gathering this information. It might be very helpful in the future."

            “Should we not search for this phoenix?"

            “No, if we do, the enemy might know and follow us. We cannot afford to search for the phoenix’s cave."

            “Then what do you suggest we do, ignore this?"

            “We will keep this in our minds but for now, we must worry about the attacks. War may almost be upon us. The mysterious attackers already control one part of Cardinia. We cannot afford any more territory to be taken from us."

He paused for a second, waiting for any comment I would make, but I did not make any comments. He was right. We should keep our mind unoccupied by this issue.

“I have a strategic meeting with Sir Edward. We’ll continue our conversation later." Christopher started walking out.

I held onto his coat.

            “Wait, let me come. I am the queen of Cardinia so I should be involved in the happenings of our country."

He held out his hand to me.

            “Then let us go my queen." He smiled.

            Upon reaching the meeting room, my mood shifted. I could tell how serious everyone was. I saw that even Sir Edward had gloom and worry draped over him.

            “M and his followers are still holding their capture of Ruba territory. We need to devise a plan to take back our land." Sir Edward began.

            “I say we attack at night with a surprise attack." One man suggested.

            “No; from the intelligence reports I have received from my spies, we are not dealing with a normal group of soldiers. Their leader is very clever and plans out every movement with every possible situation in mind. This M, whoever he is, is a very powerful opponent. We must be very decisive. He must’ve already suspected us trying to retrieve the territory back."

            “One thing that I’m concerned about is why they wanted to capture Ruba territory first." Sir Bernard, one of the top soldiers in the royal guard, stated curiously.

            “Was it not because of Sir Garrett?" A squire answered.

            “Why would they possibly want Sir Garrett though? Though he is one of the councilmen, he is new and does not know as much inside information about Cardinia as other councilmen- like Sir Patrick. Besides, one great point about Sir Garrett is his loyalty. He is very loyal to the crown and Cardinia; he would die before telling the enemy inside information." Sir Bernard continued.

Christopher and I glanced at each other. We knew why the soldiers wanted Sir Garrett, and it wasn’t because of the inside information. Somehow one of the soldiers knew about the story and found out that Sir Garrett knew about it too. They needed the inside of that story, not our kingdom. I did not know whether or not to tell the soldiers this so I kept quiet and seeing that Christopher did not tell them either, it convinced me more.

“Well, the reason why we are at a disadvantage is due to our lack of information of the opposing side. Does anyone have any facts about this mysterious group?" Sir Edward directed.

“These soldiers call themselves the ‘Phoenix Brigade." Does anyone know why they call themselves this?" Sir Melvin asked.

Again, I knew the answer but I did not answer.

There was only silence that filled the room but it was quickly interrupted by the messenger boy running into the room.

“The House of Lupus is under attack!" He yelled.

Sir Edward automatically stood up. The house of Lupus was his household, his home. Christopher additionally stood up and talked for the first time.

            “We will dispatch the best troops and be on our way."

Christopher started to walk out, but Sir Edward stopped him.

            “You cannot go your majesty."

            “Why can I not? Mitchell is posted there right now along with all my precious subjects. I want to go help my best friend."

            “You think I do not know that? I have been around you before you could even walk. I know what runs through that mind of yours. Mitchell is my son; I shall go to his aid."     

            “How does that have to do with me going?"

            “M might expect you to come and order an attack on you. You are like my second son Christopher. I will not put you in danger." Sir Edward seriously spoke, dropping formalities.

            “I will put my trust in you just as my father did. I expect you to return in one piece." Christopher wrapped his arm around Sir Edward’s arm, a sign of respect among close brothers or friends in Cardinia.

Sir Edward then proceeded to the Lupus territory with his finest troops as we watched from the window. Christopher put his arm around me. I could tell that Christopher felt hopeless. His face was full of worry and sadness. The sounds of footsteps echoed through the hall and we turned to see Lady Jamille running towards us.

“What is the matter?" I asked her.

“It is Mariana." She panted. “She has disappeared!"


Where do you think Mariana is? I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Please don't forget to comment and vote! Thanks for reading! ^_^

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