Chapter 21

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Azalea's POV:

            He stared at me with his eyes, his dazzling emerald eyes, waiting for an answer. The thing was, I did not have one. What was I supposed to say? That I love him too? His face got closer and I thought he was going to kiss me again. I squeezed my eyes shut and waited for that kiss, but it never came. Instead, I felt his body collapse on top of me.

            “Christopher, what’s wrong?”

That’s when I spotted the food tray.

            “Christopher, you didn’t eat anything?” I scolded.

            “I wasn’t hungry.”

            “But you need the energy to recover.”

I trudged him over to the bed and offered him food and tried leaving quickly before he grabbed my hand.

            “I won’t eat unless you feed me.”

Why was he acting so spoiled?

I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible so I decided to go along with what he requested. I held out a spoonful of the soup and fed him. Why was it that when he was being fed, he could still look so good? Throughout the whole feeding session, all I could stare at was his lips, those luscious, sweet lips. Wait, what was I saying? I quickly put the bowl of soup down and stuttered an excuse.

“It’s getting late and I’m feeling tired. Please finish your meal and get some sleep. I promised the twins I would spend the night with them tonight. Goodnight Christopher.”

I hastened out of the room and closed the door behind me before Christopher could say anything.

            I went to the twins’ room. Since the attempted assasination, I would sometimes sleep with the twins when I felt lonely. They were a joy to be around since I didn’t have any younger siblings of my own. When I entered the room, they were already in bed, not quite asleep yet.

            “Hi Azalea, why are you here? Are you sleeping with us?” Clara asked excitedly.

            “I am.”

            “But aren’t you supposed to be with Christopher tonight?” Elliot asked drowsily.

            “Nope, he needs his rest so I’ll be staying with you two tonight.” I smiled.

            I went under the covers. After telling them a bedtime story, they fell asleep. While they slept, I recalled the events that happened today. I remembered being in the study room with Kane.

            “Hello Azalea.”      

            “Kane?” I ran over to hug him. “Why are you here?”

            “Because of the coronation incident, your father requested for me to be your personal bodyguard.”

            “Kane, you do not need to protect me. You are capable far more than only protecting me.”

            “To me, this is the highest honorable post I could ever take on.” He smiled.

            “There’s another reason why I’m here.” He took a trinket out of his pocket and handed it to me. I opened it to find a beautiful silver broach encrusted with a pearl in the middle. “Happy Birthday Azalea.”

            I smiled. He remembered my birthday. The only other person who remembered my birthday was Kaya who gave me a homemade nightgown. No one else remembered that today I turned sixteen.

            “Thank you very much Kane.” I held it tight in my hands against my breast.

There was a brief silence as I noticed Kane looked like he was brooding over something.

            “Is there something the matter?”

            “There’s been something I’ve been regretting ever since you left and I’ve been wondering whether or not I should tell you now, though it would never change things.”          

            “If there’s something you want to say, just tell me.”

            “I’ve had feelings for a certain girl for a long time, but because I thought I wouldn’t be good enough for her, I hid my feelings. Even so, I always had hope that maybe she’d love me back and we’d be together. One day, I found out she was in love with a man from our rival kingdom and was engaged to him. I was devastated and regretted telling her my feelings.”

“…What are you saying Kane?”

He stepped closer to me and gingerly placed his hands on my shoulders.

            “I love you Azalea. I always have.” 

I couldn’t believe it. My first love was confessing to me, and I wanted to burst out my feelings too, but I couldn’t. Why? Oh yes, because I was a married woman with Cardinia to run. Not only that, but I was “madly in love with Christopher.”

            “Kane, I…I can’t… I have Christopher…”

            “I know, but don’t tell me you have never felt that way towards me before.”

I know I shouldn’t have confessed it, but I did.

            “That was before Kane. That’s all in the past now.”

Silence took over the room as there was a slight tension and awkwardness. He was looking down at the ground, probably in disappointment of my reply. This was a person I never wanted to hurt, but I did. I hurt him. He suddenly looked up, with eyes filled with sorrow but determination.

            “Kane, what are you…?”

He spoke with such a faint whisper that I could almost barely hear him.

            “I don’t want to regret.”

That’s when he kissed me.

It was everything I dreamed of, but I couldn’t understand why I didn’t feel satisfied. Was it because I was cheating on Christopher? I deserved having this sort of kiss though; a kiss with passion, devotion and love. That was something Christopher would never give me. Our kisses were fake, unreal, and empty.

Christopher burst through the doors of the room there. I instinctively pushed Kane away and hid my lips with my hands.

I buried my face with the pillow as my face grew a deep crimson red. I was kissed by both Christopher and Kane tonight and I was so confused. I didn’t expect Christopher’s kiss to be so filled with passion and love. Did he really love me like he said he did? What if he did love me? What am I supposed to do? Did I feel the same way? But I loved Kane, right? I took in a deep sigh. How am I going to face those two tomorrow? 


Hey guys, so this chapter is mainly to show Azalea's POV on the situation. Hope it didn't bore you guys and you liked it! Please comment and vote ^_^ 

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