Chapter 43

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Azalea's POV: 

        I do not know for how long I had been sitting there. Too many thoughts filled my mind.

How many days had passed since she revealed the truth? Oh that’s right…five days….

I had rarely seen Christopher, Jamille, or Mitchell since the incident. Jamille concealed herself in her room, still brooding over her brother’s words. Mitchell had beenbusy protecting the castle as the new captain. As for Christopher, I hadn’t seen him since her funeral. Though he did not shed one tear at her death, I know he’s the one greatly affected. I cannot imagine how it feels to be bombarded by a mother’s confession.

          “Well, do you have any words to offer me?” The queen asked her son.

          “I always wondered why you hated me.” He replied.

          “I was lost, but I never hated you. You’re my son. I love you.”

He never replied to Queen Amelia. He only turned his back on her and walked away. He had no words, no tears, yet his back seemed to be screaming for a savior.

          “Christopher,” I followed him, “Are you alright?”

I took soft steps until I reached his broad back and before I even touched him, he quickly enveloped me in a hug so tight I could hear his heart thumping. I could not provide him any words but at that moment I knew, he only needed warmth.

Ever since the funeral, I felt as if Christopher was avoiding me. He was always gone; he did not even come to our room at night. When I finally did reach him, he left abruptly.

          I had no idea what was going through his mind. I was confused. I could only research more and hone my archery skills more during the few past days. It was as if a spell was cast over the chateau. No one was out. No one smiled. No one seemed to have a soul. Even the twins stayed in their room all day. Even young children would be affected by the increasing casualties from Mason’s army.

          When will this war end?

          When will everything go back to the way it was?

          When will the tears end?

          When will the deaths end?

          When will I see…?


I found him standing in front of me but he still remained soulless.

          “We need to talk Azalea…”

He walked closer and leaned against the wall next to me.

          “Of course we need to talk Christopher. Where have you been? Are you alright?”

He held his hand up as a motion to silence me.

          “I am fine, but Azalea… I need you to go back to Pyrus.”

His words shocked me and made me a tad bit upset.

          “You avoided me for days and now that we are finally talking… you are sending me away? Are you some sort of dolt?”

Christopher reached for my hand but I only stood up and slapped his hand away.

          “Are you trying to protect me? Is that what you’re thinking? You think I cannot handle myself? Let’s prove it now! I will challenge you to another duel! If I defeat you I stay!”

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